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Faith Formation: Tweens & Teens

Resources including: Children & Family Curricula & Storytime; Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism; Denominational Resources; Tween & Teen Mental and Spiritual Health; Sexuality & Identity; and Online/At-Home Tech


Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of faith formation resources for Youth. Here you'll find:

  • Websites & Video suitable for sharing online or in person
  • Books & Downloads to share online, at-home or in person
  • Activity Suggestions & Resources
  • Additional Curricula Lists from judicatories, denominations and others

If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.

Minnesota’s Department of Health’s COVID-19 Prevention Guidance for Youth and Student Programs 

Books & Curricula for Use w/ Youth

The Bible Book by DK     Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman                    We Rise Higher: Poems and Prayers for Graduates     

Living the Questions

Provides curricula for all ages in a variety of progressive modes and topics.

Looking for shorter-term curriculum for summer?

T.B.D.: Think. Believe. Do. helps teens explore what they believe and why they believe it, enabling them to build a robust theological toolkit. Each topic stands alone and comes with four sessions' worth of material, making it easy to use on a retreat, at camp, or on weekday evenings during the summer. The facilitator guides help leaders create space for youth to build faith, learn, and grow together. 

offers affordable online courses for:

  • Adult Formation
  • Sacramental Preparation
  • Build Effective Leaders
  • an online video study series on vocation and discipleship
  • four-session curriculum
  • choose thematic focus
  • accessible to high school youth, college students or adults

Short introductory teaching videos - appropriate for 7th grade - adult - enrich the Salt & Light curriculum series and can be used for teacher prep and to introduce each weekly session. The videos are free and available online.

Books, Downloads, & Video about Youth Ministry

Picture of Not Forsaken               Youth Ministry as Peace Education: Overcoming Silence, Transforming Violence

Find Springtide's curated playlist on Navigating Uncertainty here.

Video images of three people conversing

Springtide's Josh Packard chats with Orange's Crystal Chiang and Brett Talley about Youth Ministry and Gen Z. Find free resources galore on their OrangeStudents website and listen to the video as they share research-based insights and ideas about youth ministry moving forward.

Websites & Videos

Springtide Research Institute conducts qualitative and quantitative research on the inner and outer lives of young people, ages 13-25, and helps those who care for young people, care better. See their website, webinars, books, and blog posts for current data and informed approaches to reaching out to and working with young people.

Gen Z is keeping the faith. Just don’t expect to see them at worship.

Young people’s trust in religious institutions is low, but trust in relationships with religious people is still extremely high.


GoodDocs offers high quality streaming video documentaries and speakers covering a range of topics through diverse lenses.

1- to 3-year subscriptions are available for congregations.

See our Great Idea for one way to incorporate documentaries/speakers into congregational life and outreach.


Filter : Media

  • enter the URL of a news article
  • the site analyzes the political bias
  • compares to other articles and so on
  • could be useful in teaching!

Invite kids to make videos for all sorts of different projects and share them securely with one another via Flipgrid: used by public educators for the same purpose. Lots of fun ideas for utilization on the website.

OnBeing's new Poetry Films forum could be great as contemplative prayer prompts, worship elements or small group discussion starters.

Use the movies and conversations to spark your own deep discussions.

Activity Suggestions

Icons representing steps to resume ministries beyond worship in fruitful ways

5 Steps to Resume Ministries beyond Worship in Fruitful Ways

Lovett Weems says that churches should be deliberate and careful in making plans to resume ministries disrupted by the pandemic. The restart of youth ministry, Christian education, mission, and other programs presents an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of your pre-pandemic approach, consider new options, and innovate in ways that promote fruitful outcomes.

Dream Up Now: The Teen Journal for Creative Self-Discovery

Indoors or out: share some Community Art While We're Apart!! Check out these great ideas for engaging worship.

Judicatory & Other Denominational Resources

Journey to Adulthood is an online, downloadable youth ministry / spiritual formation program for 6th-12th grades. Fully revised and updated, it is centered on inclusive, relational ministry and uses Bible study, prayer, rites of passage, outreach ministries and both serious and playful activities. Creative, developmentally appropriate lessons are arranged within three categories of Self, Society, and Spirituality. There are three two-year segments included in the program:

Rite13 logo

The Rite-13 program assists young people as they begin to take the first steps of independence from their families into their own lives and creates a safe haven in which to explore new ideas, new interests, and new abilities.(Grades 6-7 or 7-8)

j2a logo

J2A helps teens create and understand the importance of Christian community as they develop critical thinking and other skills they will need in adulthood.(Grades 8-9 or 9-10)

This mentor-based program helps older teens discern and carry out a ministry within their church or in the larger community. A final rite of passage sends them out into the world as ambassadors of Christ.(Grades 10-11 or 11-12)

If you have any questions about this new program, please contact the editorial team at

A group of Zoomers hanging out

Understanding Generation Z and Connecting with Their Passions

What are the unique characteristics of young people coming of age today? Rock Jones, president of Ohio Wesleyan University, describes a generation of digital natives who are highly connected but also lonely and anxious. Dr. Jones describes Gen Zers’ life questions, the perspectives they bring to spiritual engagement, and ways church leaders can meet them where they are.

MennoMedia offers their Salt & Light curriculum series.

Teaching videos - for either teacher prep or to introduce each weekly session - are free and available online on MennoMedia's YouTube channel. 

To view this week's video, and all previous videos visit:

Luther Crest

Bold Transformational Faith

A partnership to bring faith formation tools and resources ​from CAMP to your CONGREGATION

Faith Questions is a PC(USA) youth curriculum that explores questions asked by real youth about important faith topics. Each unit offers connections to media resources and fun, enriching activities and comes in both print and Coffeehouse (i.e. online-friendly) versions. Sessions include:

  • 7 Bible Studies
  • 8 Real Life Topics
  • 8 Basics of Faith
  • 9 Understanding Theology (from a PC(USA) perspective)