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Faith Formation: Websites & Curricula

Resources including: Children & Family Curricula & Storytime; Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism; Denominational Resources; Tween & Teen Mental and Spiritual Health; Sexuality & Identity; and Online/At-Home Tech

Websites & Curricula

Unearthing Us: Poems and Practices for Discovering Our Fullest SelvesUnearthing Us: Poems and Practices for Discovering Our Fullest Selves is a collection of 21 poems and practices inviting readers to envision a world planted with possibility, growth, and flourishing. Each poem includes an Unearthing Practice that draws wisdom from the poet’s visits to his ancestral land of Jamaica. These poems and practices beckon readers to dig deeper into ourselves and our communities to grow more joy and beauty within and around us. 

This book has three sections:  

  • Plant: Poems for planting seeds 
  • Grow: Poems for growth 
  • Flourish: Poems for cultivating abundance 

Unearthing Us Facilitator Guide: 21 Sessions Based on the Poetry of Joe Davis The 21 sessions in this Facilitator Guide correspond to the 21 poems in Unearthing Us: Poems and Practices for Discovering Our Fullest Selves by Joe Davis. 

  •  Sessions move through stages of planting, growing, and flourishing that connect to the thematic progression of poems in Unearthing Us.
  • Leaders are invited into pre-work activities to prepare their hearts and minds for facilitating each session. 
  • Sessions include creative responses to each poem along with biblical exploration, community connections, and journaling prompts. 
  • Many groups can use these sessions: senior high youth, intergenerational events, Bible study groups, retreat participants, and other gatherings of people who want to explore poetry and faith together.

Remind Me Again: Poems and Practices for Remembering Who We Are

Poet, artist, and educator Joe Davis has written Remind Me Again: Poems and Practices for Remembering Who We Are, a collection of 41 poems that will inspire, challenge, and affirm readers from all stages of life. These poems speak to our mind, body, and spirit, to our community, and to our purpose. Each poem includes a “Try This Practice” to help readers connect the themes to their everyday lives. This book has three sections:

  • My Mind, Body, and Spirit: Reminders for Myself
  • My Community: Reminders for Each Other
  • My Purpose: Reminders for the World

Rev. Jia Starr Brown Remind Me Again Facilitator Guide: 41 Sessions Based on the poetry of Joe Davis in Remind Me Again will foster meaningful discussions about Joe’s poetry and facilitate more meaningful connections within community. 
This resource can be used as a 10-minute addition to a lesson or as a full 41-week curriculum of hour-long sessions.

The Beatitudes: An Illustrated CurriculumThe Beatitudes: An Illustrated Curriculum

The Beatitudes: An Illustrated Curriculum is a twelve-session, verse-by-verse study of the Beatitudes from the Gospel of Matthew. This intergenerational curriculum is highly adaptable, providing a flexible and formative experience for your entire Sunday school program and the whole family.

Designed to be led virtually, this study explores Jesus’ timeless teaching through art, reflection, and discussion. This passage is full of wisdom that will enrich families and churches by exploring Jesus’ vision of God’s inclusive kingdom, observing how Jesus turned expectations and traditional beliefs about being blessed upside down, and imagining ways to live into the promises of Jesus’ Beatitudes.

Find books, curricula, prayer, music, and worship elements (including a full sermon), and community organizations and businesses grouped to help congregations take next steps in antiracism work, creation care, and addressing intergenerational mental health and well-being in the WaterThreads - Woven Together: Water, Community, Well-Being. Available online and via requested download for member congregations - who should email: - for access.

Operation Restoration | Augsburg FortressOperation Restoration VBS invites kids to be menders in God’s world. As they make connections between Bible stories and mending actions, they’ll discover simple ways to live out faith in daily life. Everyone at Operation Restoration explores language and practices to mend God’s world.

  • restoration theme that inspires everyone to be menders of God’s world
  • Daily themes kids understand: feed, heal, forgive, pray, and rest
  • Multisensory activity centers: art, music, science and nature, service learning, and storytelling
  • Captivating visuals created and inspired by Pastor Daniel Erlander
  • Flexible content for many contexts—including yours!

GenOn Ministries provides numerous ideas and resources for cultivating intergenerational relationships, including:

LOGOS - a weekly intergenerational experience to learn about God and experience activities that grow relationships with God and others; includes Bible study, recreation, a family-style meal, and a variety of worship arts to lead in worship... 

Learn more here.


LIFT (Living In Faith Together) - Gatherings to nurture intergenerational community. Use on Sunday mornings or any other time of the week, in addition to or in place of current Christian formation ministries.

Learn more here.


God's World in Community - Flexible, simple resources for intergenerational gatherings. Short, easy-to-do sessions consist of reading a Scripture passage, doing an activity based on the passage, and praying together. Written for all ages. For use in small or large groups in person, online, or at home.


All God's Children: The Church Family Gathers brings all generations together to learn and grow spiritually and relationally mid-week, Friday night, Saturday afternoon, Sunday afternoon/evening or any other time that works for your church. Our All God's Children series include details for eating together, studying together, playing together and praying together. Free samples available for each unit. Individual sessions are available for some themes.



Table Games

Summer Youth Summit


The Lifelong Faith website fleshes out the seven principles of intergenerational faith formation outlined in John Roberto's book by the same name and offers online curricula for intergenerational ministry including:

  • Five Christian Practices programs are available here.
    • Caring for the Body
    • Celebrating Life
    • Discernment
    • Eating Well
    • Forgiveness
  • The 6-7 Church Year programs are available here.
  • The 6-session Creed and Beliefs programs are available here.
  • Jesus and Discipleship are available here.
    • Preparing for the Messiah
    • Becoming a Disciple
    • Death of the Messiah
    • New Life in Christ
    • Identity of Christ
    • Living as Disciples
  • Moral Living programs are available here.
  • Six Prayer programs are here.
    • All Are Called to Pray
    • The Lord's Prayer
    • Praying through Advent and Christmas
    • Praying through Lent and Easter
    • Catholic Prayers and Devotions
    • Praying the Rosary
  • The Sacraments programs will be available here.
  • The Justice, Peace, and Care for Creation programs will be available here.
  • All six of the books LifeLong Faith published from 2010 through 2018 are available online at Lifelong Faith in PDF versions, through their Library, here.
  • Find their 2023 Family Faith Formation Practices Survey and their 2023 Intergenerational Faith Formation Practices Survey reports here.

Mini Revolutions Curriculum Monthly SubscriptionMini Revolutions is an intergenerational, monthly, digital curriculum based on the Revised Common Lectionary. Churches and families will practice the rhythms and experience the seasons of the church year through the revolutions of the liturgical calendar.

All Living the Questions curricula are available to stream or download; includes a variety of progressive topics.

Bake With the Bible: a Children's Curriculum (Church license)

edible theology offer bread-based and dinner church curricula for individuals, households, or congregations in a variety of age-groups. Find their full line-up here.


          Baptize     ForgiveHope     Live in Community     Make Peace     Practice Generosity     

Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living

This thirty-six-unit curriculum is based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers. Written for people of all ages who wish to live out their faith, this new curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now.

Watch the Overview Video

Watch the Webinar

Download Sample

Download Media Kit

Download the Preaching Guide

Short introductory teaching videos - appropriate for 7th grade - adult - enrich the Salt & Light curriculum series and can be used for teacher prep and to introduce each weekly session. The videos are free and available online.


WE Intergenerational Curriculum is a "faith nurture experience for your entire church family", can be used alongside DWELL or any other Faith Alive children's curricula. WE is easy to do and is designed to begin the process of intergenerational learning within your church. And it's budget-friendly!

FAITH5 Course DVD Cover2.jpgThe FAITH5 Course provides the tools needed to incorporate FAITH5 into the core of children, youth and family ministry in your church.

This fun and engaging 6-session resource creates the home as a church, and the church as a home.

Click here to order the FAITH5 Course, for more information or to download a free sample.

Shine CurriculumA flexible curriculum for the whole church

Embark on a journey with Current—a new kind of curriculum that brings children, youth, and adults all together in worship and learning! This digital, non-dated curriculum is perfect to use during the summer quarter or at any time during the year. Current includes age-appropriate sessions for PreK-Kindergarten (ages 3-6), Elementary (grades 1-5), Youth (grades 6-12), and Adults. There are also resources for intergenerational settings and worship services that complement each session. Current will provide your congregation with multiple options for learning and growing faith among all ages. Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional Saints : Daneen Akers:  Video GamesHoly Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints

This curriculum accompanies the book Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints. It seeks to help participants explore “holy troublemaking” and learn about people who were “troublemakers” in practicing love and justice.

The curriculum offers 12 lessons designed for 30–40-minute sessions with options for extending the session.

Peer Ministry Leadership – Leadership Training Peer Ministry works with all denominations. The theology is Christian, and flows from the Good Samaritan Story, with emphases on relational caring, welcoming and affirming skills. PML is a good fit for many denominations and adapts well for various settings. Programs include:

Feasting on the Word is a lectionary based curriculum that allows all ages to study the same text each week. Preparatory materials equip leaders with the biblical background they need to feel confident with any age group.

Sample Sessions are available for:

The Free Guide offers tips for online use.

Other Lists/Resources

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)The PC(USA) has a full page of Intergenerational Formation resources. 

You're bound to find something useful!