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Faith Formation: Technology - Boundaries & Best Practices

Resources including: Children & Family Curricula & Storytime; Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism; Denominational Resources; Tween & Teen Mental and Spiritual Health; Sexuality & Identity; and Online/At-Home Tech


Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of online and at-home faith formation tech assists. Here you'll find:

  • tips for creatively taking your faith formation ministry online
  • technical tools to facilitate lively gatherings and confidential conversations
  • Judicatory and Other Denominational guidelines for best practices and professional protocols

If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.

Creative Online Faith Formation


GoodDocs offers high quality streaming video documentaries and speakers covering a range of topics through diverse lenses.

1- to 3-year subscriptions are available for congregations.

See our Great Idea for one way to incorporate documentaries/speakers into congregational life and outreach.

The AI Mirror     Always On: Practicing Faith in a New Media Landscape (Theology for the Life  of the World): Gorrell, Angela Williams: 9781540960092: Books     Analog Church     SocialBook_Mockup.png     Grace and Gigabytes: Being Church in a Tech-Shaped Culture     

Amanda Meisenheimer unpacks how to embrace the challenges of digital ministry and find the joy again. Learn more.

FREE ONLINE CLASSROOM from Upper Room Learning is a guide for creating safe and accessible online spaces for all ages

Taking Your Youth Ministry Online is a downloadable and free how-to on connecting with youth in meaningful ways online.

 eform, supported by Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary, offers a number of brief video introductions on creating online worship, faith formation, safe space, and community.

Luther Crest

Bold Transformational Faith

A partnership to bring faith formation tools and resources ​from CAMP to your CONGREGATION

Hope4CE shares a really basic but helpful outline for creating community on zoom between elders, caring individuals, and kids and families. Scroll through the blog posts for additional ideas for tackling current topics, engaging all ages, and outdoor ministry ideas.

Technical Tools & Aids

Free Bible Images, 'wants to help those teaching the Bible in all nations of the world in this visual age. All pictures are free for use in teaching and non-commercial streaming. We provide the pictures and you tell the story, with the Bible as your reference source'.

Logo for CMU

The Ultimate Guide to Church Photography Policies: Church photography is an amazing tool for sharing the gospel. Learn up-to-date tips one authentically showcasing the life of your church while respecting people's privacy.

Cherish All Children Church Partnerships

Join Cherish All Children in their vision of raising healthy generations free from sexual exploitation. Predators have adjusted to the pandemic, making safety education and prevention measures more needed now than ever

Your congregation can engage via:

  • Adult/mentor Zoom learning and training

  • Virtual Tween & Teen training about healthy relationships & online safety

  • Pre-recorded conversations or trainings to play in online gatherings, such as this session with St. John’s Lutheran, Shakopee

Visit the Cherish All Children website to find out more, and contact Joy McElroy at to get started!

Worship using tablets, smart phones, and laptops

Podcast Episode 69: “Practicing Ministry in Digital Spaces” featuring Keith Anderson

Lewis Center for Church Leadership has a growing list of Covid-19-related resources on topics of Social Action, Stewardship, Technology, and Hospitality.

Judicatory and Other Denominational Resources

All of the United Methodist Communications' Local Church Learning Sessions have been developed specifically to support local United Methodist churches during this extraordinary time. New sessions will be added here as they are produced.

Many judicatories are urging an avoidance of intimate and/or confidential conversations on many online platforms to safeguard vulnerable individuals and maintain healthy boundaries. 

The Inter-Group Association of AA for New York, Inc. offers some best practices suggestions here.

shares a whole page of excellent online faith-building experiences with creative approaches to worship and faith formation.

See also their Ultimate Guide to Church Photography Policies for up-to-date tips on healthy boundaries, clarity, and photo usage,.

The Office of Christian Formation (fb) (PCUSA) has suggestions for transformations in faith formation for the long haul and encourages support of our elders during the COVID-19 crisis.

(fb) offers zoom APCE webinars covering worship, youth and family, and older adults and in their blog, Advocate, share numerous ideas for embracing the new normal along with insightful reflections on lessons learned from COVID-19 quarantines.

In Our Library

     Grace and Gigabytes: Being Church in a Tech-Shaped Culture     Mediating Faith: Faith Formation in a Trans-media Era     Safe Sanctuaries in a Virtual World

Healthy Technology Boundaries

Upside Down Living