written by Tori Smit
Regional Minister for Faith Formation for
the Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda
Advent Devotions for Families
November 27 - December 25, 2022
“Divine Nebula: Reimagining Advent” at Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice
Unbound publishes weekly devotional reflections during the Advent and Christmas seasons that center on social justice.
Where to Find: Unbound website
Denominational Affiliation: Presbyterian Church USA
Cost: free
Members of the Northern Illinois Synod (ELCA) Creation Care Committee created an Advent devotional video series based on Gayle Boss's All Creation Waits. Find Dec. 1's Painted Turtle focus here.
Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on. This series is filled with blessings, with the words we need to hear again and again as we begin a new season.
Here are some quick highlights:
Enjoy these samples:
1. Devotional—SAMPLE
2. Words for Worship—SAMPLE
3. Children’s Curriculum—SAMPLE
4. Poems—SAMPLE
5. Sermon Planning Guide—SAMPLE
6. Lessons & Laughter Liturgy—SAMPLE
7. Infographic for the series
These Twelve Days is the ideal resource for families who want to deepen the meaning of Christmas and celebrate the holiday through Epiphany.
Help provide space for soaking in the theological gifts of Christmas with simple prayer cards to use Christmas Eve through Epiphany. The prayers seek to address some of the core theological components of Christ’s birth in a basic and accessible way for all ages.
Download prayer cards pdf with four (4) cards per page here.
Download prayer cards pdf with one (1) card per page here.
Download prayer cards as individual images here.
25 Days of Advent Family Devotional
This family faith formation activity divides the Christmas Narrative leading up to Jesus’ birth into 25 days. As Christmas day gets closer, the story of Jesus’ birth will also grow.
Download in English | Cantonese | Spanish | Bahasa Indonesia | Creole
Family Devotionals:
Devotionals for All Ages
Featured Advent Films - multiple gorgeous films of varying lengths; share with many ages in worship, study, devotional time, etc.