Writer and teacher, Susannah Conway annually offers two free workbooks:
The Unravel Your Year workbook is filled with questions, prompts, monthly reflection pages and more to help you take stock of [the year that's past] and prepare for a new ride around the sun.
The Find Your Word ebook guides participants through Susannah's 5-day process for finding the word (or words!) to carry them through the year ahead.
Just share your email address and she'll send both to your inbox!
Learn more and register here.

Coloring & Conversation: Epiphany Star Words: Illustrated Ministry's youth ministry products, also appropriate with college students and adults; includes an Epiphany star word activity, a coloring page, and a leader’s guide for conversation and reflection. Learn more here.

The ELCA's Epiphany Faith Formation resources include Great Ideas such as Reverse Advent, Star Words, Chalking the Door, and Art and Epiphany.

StoryMakers has a free download of Epiphany Puppets and a lesson plan here.