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Faith Formation: Atonement Theory

Resources including: Children & Family Curricula & Storytime; Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism; Denominational Resources; Tween & Teen Mental and Spiritual Health; Sexuality & Identity; and Online/At-Home Tech


Beyond Justification     The Cross in the Midst of Creation: Following Jesus, Engaging the Powers, Transforming the World     The Empathic God: A Clinical Theology of At-Onement     The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Jesus: Lord, Liar, Lunatic . . . Or Awesome?     Scapegoats: The Gospel through the Eyes of Victims

In Our Library

     Executing God          Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time     Proverbs of Ashes

Blogs, Podcasts, & Articles

Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional SaintsDaneen Aker’s article “What if Jesus came to live, not to die?” wonders, "How might we view [the] story of Jesus differently if we taught that he came to show us how to live, instead of coming to die? Dismantling substitutionary atonement is holy troublemaking work indeed..."

On Not Taking Lent out on Our Bodies

By Jodi Belcher (she/her/hers) in Building Faith on Feb 07, 2023

Bad BloodChristian theology and civil war

Diana Butler Bass

Introduce Atonement Theory and its drawbacks with Carl Krieg's Jan. 7, 2022 article in Progressive Christianity; The Big Lie traces the phenomenon of the wealthy and powerful controlling 'the message" since Jesus' day - and subverting Jesus' life to that of "sacrificial atonement" to maintain their power.


Follow this up with preaching supported by Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary, a Bible Study group for preachers seeking to dismantle atonement theologies while "preaching the Gospel of One New Humanity" (Eph. 2:15).

Engage the whole congregation in the transformation with any number of resources from this list - and those you'll find developing in this lib guide.

Related Study Guides

Proverbs of Ashes