Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources for Talking with Children about Identity and Diversity. Here you'll find:
If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.
Addresses issues children might hear about in the news and may not understand; straightforward and kid-friendly explanations of tough topics; includes ideas for what they can do to help make the world a better, fairer place. Each book has a glossary and additional resources.
The series includes: Culture and Diversity; Rights and Equality; Protecting the Planet; and Rules and Responsibilities.
Beaming Books' Disability Pride Month book list includes main characters with limb differences, hearing differences, emotional challenges, and more.
Books That Celebrate Diverse Holidays and Traditions
by Charnaie Gordon
It can be difficult to love ourselves and others when we live in a society that isn't always affirming of queerness. These books inspire us to overcome our fears and transform more fully into the person we are meant to be.
Building Faith's Picture Books for Antiracists provides an overview for:
The MN Annual Conference UMC's Rev. Dana Neuhauser offers this list of Books That Can Build Empathy for BIPOC Communities.
Rev. Kelly Sherman Conroy of Nativity Lutheran Church created this Indigenous Peoples Resources list for all ages.
13 Books about Race and Diversity from PBS Kids for Parents is fantastic.
Children’s Books that Tackle Race and Ethnicity, from the New York Times
Beaming Books offers 10 Books That Celebrate Our Many Differences which includes topics such as ableism, age, race, culture and ethnicity, and gender and sexuality identities.
A Bibliography on Prejudice, Tolerance and Diversity from Storypath
Mattress Advisor's Bedtime Stories in response to We Need Diverse Books (a nonprofit working for more diversity in children's books): The list is available in full or broken into these categories:
THIS set of slides on pronouncing a name from a culture that is not your own is very useful and practical - and helpful when you want to be hospitable and welcoming whether in your building or your neighborhood.
Find books, curricula, prayer, music, and worship elements (including a full sermon), and community organizations and businesses grouped to help congregations take next steps in antiracism work, creation care, and addressing intergenerational mental health and well-being in the WaterThreads - Woven Together: Water, Community, Well-Being. Available online and via requested download for member congregations - who should email: ministrylab@unitedseminary.edu - for access.
Embrace Race offers a number of resources:
Honor God’s Diversity - God calls us to honor diversity that God has created in our world by diving deep beyond just accepting diversity. When we recognize and celebrate the different gifts, abilities, and voices in all creation, we honor the diversity in the world God has created.
With age-specific and intergenerational/full congregation curriculum available (click here and scroll down).
What Is Critical Race Theory and What Christians Should Know
Who Is My Neighbor? - MennoMedia’s 2019 VBS curriculum
Compassion Camp: Be Kind. Be Loved. Be You. is an At-Home/Virtual VBS where kids and their families explore what it means to have compassion for others, ourselves, and the world. Geared toward preschool-age children and K-5th graders, it is incredibly flexible, adaptable, and fun for the entire family, older siblings included.
Reading Lists for Children