Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources geared toward prayer with young people. Here you'll find:
If you don't find a resource to fit your need, you might also look in our Contemplative Practices/Introductions guide, or don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.
Mennonite pastor, liturgist, author, and Spacious Faith blogger, Joanna Harader, shares numerous Contemplative Arts practices on her website, free of charge.
Find her extensive list of Spiritual Practice Materials (PDFs), here, including:
Traci Smith's Prayer and Conversation Cubes are easy to download, simple to assemble, and create prayer and story-sharing opportunities in classes, small groups, and family settings.
Help families in your congregation make prayer and conversation at the dinner table fun and easy! You may send out the file as a digital copy or printed file. Cube assembly is simple (requires a scissors and glue); instructions are provided. The prayer cube contains five simple family prayer ideas and one "choose your own or roll again." The conversation starters provide six easy ways to get your children talking! Blank cubes and a tip sheet are also included.
SparkHouse's Frolic storybooks present common early childhood (pre-K-K/2-3 yrs.) challenges encountered by the charming Frolic friends. Using the faith practice of prayer, each friend manages the challenge and finds a solution.
The Faithful Families Toolkit is designed to be used in groups but can be used individually. Each workbook includes space for parents to journal their experiences and track their progress, helping them see real spiritual growth within their family. Based on Rev. Traci Smith’s proven methods for faith formation, this workbook complements her popular book Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home.
This family discussion guide accompanies There's No Wrong Way to Pray.
Cathy’s Music is music where faith and fun meet. Your children will sing about the promises of God and the stories of God’s people and have fun at the same time.
Kid-friendly Christian songs that make a director’s job easy!
Here's a wonderful list of Inclusive Versions of the Prayer of Jesus. I don't know who compiled it, but most of the prayers are cited for use!
P.S. I would not use the title, 'The Prayer of Jesus': so far as we know, this was never a prayer Jesus prayed. This is the Prayer Jesus Taught Us, the prayer Jesus instructed his followers to pray.
BuildingFaith's Sarah Bentley Allred offer this brief how-to and testimonial for Praying with Families... via Text (scroll down for the paragraph).
The Ministry Lab teams up with the MN Conference UCC, Danger Boat Productions, Doing Good Together, and a musician to offer Summer, Fall, Advent, and Lent Toolkits for Families and Faith Formation Leaders from any denomination.
series includes the original children’s book, with DVD and parent guide; 75 Mindfulness Activities for Kids; and Breathe through This: Mindfulness for Parents of Teenagers
Narrative Yoga: Connects a Children's Story with RCL Bible texts for Sunday worship: "Choose Love" connects Elizabeti's School to Matthew 21:23-32 "Live and Let Live" connects The Grumpy Pets to Romans 14:1-12 |