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Worship: Choirs

resources from judicatories, including re-opening guidelines and online worship videos; online hospitality & participation; engaging children, youth, and intergenerational; lectionary & preaching; liturgy, music & liturgical arts; tech & copyright helps;


Preaching to the Choir: The Care and Nurture of the Church Choir, Second Edition     The Singing Thing     The Singing Thing Too


A choir in a sanctuary getting ready to singFour Functions of a Church Choir

Brian Hehn says a church can have a vital music ministry if its choir focuses on four key functions — leading and enlivening congregational singing, singing music that the congregation cannot, serving as a small group within the church for faith formation, and singing music that glorifies God and edifies the congregation.

See our Singing While Gray Great Idea - based on Rev. Dr. Anna Hall's article, How Can We Keep Singing When the Church Choir Goes Gray? and Bryan Hehn's article, Questions for the Director: A Problem in My Aging Church - both on aging and differently abled musicians.

In Our Library

Pilgrim Prayers for Church Choirs