In I'm Not Disappointed: On "both sides" and President Lincoln and Dr. King, Diana Butler Bass urges clergy to preach, teach, and lead with the prophetic wisdom of Jeremiah, emboldened by speeches from Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Read on about the dangers of misdiagnosed disappointment, both sides, and the dream of justice.
In Standing Up for Truth, Diana Butler Bass cites her own sermon, Wisdom Cries Out in the Street and the ELCA's Conference of Bishops statement, which, Emphasizes the Need to Speak the Truth.
Preach it!!
Post-Election Worship Resources for Pastors & Church LeadersSermon prompts, scripture, articles, videos, and a Prayers of the People you can use on Sunday. Download a free bulletin insert.
Post-Election Resources for Kids, Youth, and the Grown-ups Who Love ThemIdeas for creating space for kids and youth to process feelings about the election results. Download free coloring pages.
Year-Before-Election-Day Communion: November 5, 2023
To remind us that we are saved not by a political officeholder but by God; to remind us that God in Christ calls us to love our opponents; to remind us that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of darkness; to remind us that true discipleship bravely engages in dialogue across difference; and to remind us that wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in Christ's name there He is: Minnesota Council of Churches invites all congregations to celebrate Election Day Communion on November 5, 2023.
This series includes 3 original liturgies, title graphics, planning guide with hymn suggestions, promotional blurbs, and sermon starters.
Pairs well with God on the Move: Faith and Democracy, which includes 3 original liturgies, title graphics, planning guide with hymn suggestions, promotional blurbs, and sermon starters.
Find additional inspiration and resources in our Congregational Life: Social Justice: Census & Voting lib guide.
Straight, White, Christian, Married, Suburban Mom
Hell hath no fury like a suburban mom scorned
Diana Butler Bass considers The Unwanted Anniversary: Remembering and Contemplative Democracy.
In Pastoral Is Political: "Pastor, Stay in Your Lane!", Sharon Temple wonders what would happen if clergy doubled-down on the theology of baptism and if we first focus on who we are voting as, before we consider who to vote for.
The Five Electorates in 2020; and Clergy - Please Don't Be Silent! (but be non-silent wisely and legally!): essential reading in preparation for the coming election season. And take advantage of Three Short Sermons on Politics, Democracy and Voting.
Cynthia Bourgeault on Thomas Keating's Secret Embrace: Everything Matters; Richard Rohr's summation, The Freedom of Consent and Solidarity: A Public Virtue; and Joan Chittister's complimentary Obedience to God's Will of Love and A Call to Be One.
Rev. Dr. Cameron Trimble reminds us that we are a people practiced in waiting - and encourages us to wait in hope.
Hymns by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette in book form or online. Featuring contemporary lyrics set to traditional hymns, they are truly intergenerational. Hymns include: laments for pandemic grief, quarantine, natural disasters, and racial tension, calls for justice and immigration reform, and Fall Ministry Celebrations including every Sunday (based on the RCL) and Election Day.
This American Life sponsors Leslie Odom Jr. singing Sara Bareilles' Seriously: powerful and good stuff for Election Day or surrounding events.
The UCC's Join the Movement created an Election Season Spiritual Care Package: Soul Nourishment in a Time of Life-Denying Rhetoric - free and downloadable - full of video, audio, and written prayers created and facilitated by diverse voices from around the nation.
Election Day community engagement & worship planning resources
from A Sanctified Art; free and downloadable
God of Many Names: A Litany for Loving Well though We Do Not Think Alike
from Upper Room and Chris Broadwell, contributor to Rally: Communal Prayers for Lovers of Jesus and Justice
Rev. Elsa Cook offers Pandemic Prayers for Proper 27, including prayers, confession and response music (from The Many).