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Worship: Written Elements

resources from judicatories, including re-opening guidelines and online worship videos; online hospitality & participation; engaging children, youth, and intergenerational; lectionary & preaching; liturgy, music & liturgical arts; tech & copyright helps;

Written/Verbal Elements

Do This | Communion for Just and Courageous LivingDo This: Communion for Just and Courageous Living is a starting point for (re)engaging the life-shaping themes of Communion:

  • belonging and memory,
  • bodies and violence,
  • food and creation care,
  • labor and resilience,
  • reconciliation and healing.

With new reflections and prayers, original hymns and liturgies, Do This brings deep wonder to the order of Communion. 

Jesus Sophia

Our Great God Gun: This gun-obsessed society is a disgrace

Rev. Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite, President Emeritus of Chicago Theological Seminary adapted Isaac 58 to use as a confession/forgiveness/change liturgical element, to be used, 'until the guns fall silent'.

“A Feminist Apostles’ Creed” by Sarah Moon in “Liberating Liturgies: A Creed and a Call” at Patheos website (Sept. 17, 2014)

Wil Gafney - Brite Divinity SchoolA new lectionary that centers women

“If the gospel isn’t good news to the women in the passage, is it still good news?” 

Grace Ji-Sun Kim interviews Wil Gafney 

February 15, 2022

Paper Bag Cathedrals

Paper Bag Cathedrals creates worship resources specifically for the challenges and advantages of small congregations.

This Is the Day: Liturgy for Love and Justice. Formation for Faith and Renewal offers Inspired: A 7-Week Womanist Worship Series.

Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) — Part 1

by William L. Wallace

An entire liturgy (with power point slides available elsewhere), including litanies, music, and script for a dramatized sermon.

Find Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: brief weekly online suggestions for national and world events and concerns that prayer writers might consider as they prepare for worship posted on the ELCA's Worship Blog.

The Iona Community offers these seasonal liturgical resources and a slough of other downloadable liturgical elements.


Offers weekly liturgical prompts, Worship in the Home and Frequently Asked Questions, including How Is Lament included in Worship?

Honk if you love Jesus.

We write creative resources for Christian communities and households. 
We’re a little bit messy. Irreverently reverent. Held together by spit and Spirit.

Come take a gander.

See their Bread of Life series for late summer, 2021.


Episode 135: Black Liturgies with Cole Arthur Riley

Cole Arthur Riley is the Black Liturgist. Find her poems, liturgies, prayers and other writings on her website and follow her on instagram.Black Liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley


Progressive Christianity offers an extensive online Service and Gathering Planning resource library, searchable by topic and element of worship.

Find Benedictions from around the country here.

The Plural Guild creates unique liturgies and music specific to the times and contexts in which we live.

enfleshed develops general-purpose, anti-racism and COVID-19 related liturgical elements.

offers a slough of resources including: Ministry Resources; Worship Words; and Blog Features. Please note their requests for citations and be aware of copyright permissions.

The Promise & the Practice offers a collection of worship materials by UU religious professionals of color.


A Sanctified Art provides liturgical elements informed by and incorporating progressive theology, expansive imagery, and beautiful and diverse forms of art to encourage engagement in worship.

Their Summer 2021 liturgy I've Been Meaning to Ask is here! Find sample links for:


Bundled resources include:

Study journal Branding bundle
Sermon planning guide Poetry prayers
Words for worship A special liturgy with holy communion
Conversation cards Video vignettes
8 New visuals with artist statements A listening guide

​​Free materials released to supplement the bundle

  1. Hymn & music ideas shared on our blog.
  2. Children's lessons shared on our blog.
  3. "A Covenant of Grace" - an original hymn written by Rev. Anna Strickland for the series.
  4. Artful ideas for worship adornment shared on our blog.
  5. A content calendar for social media.

Land Acknowledgments

Unsettling WorshipAs we are embraced by God's reconciling love in worship, we are equipped to carry that reconciling love into our relationships beyond the worship space. Worship equips us for the work of conciliation, but the liturgy itself needs to be decolonized if it is to truly honor Christian commitments to God and neighbor. This book explores the reformed liturgy in its pattern of Gathering, Word, Table, and Sending, searching it both for colonial vestiges, and spaces of new possibility. Unsettling Worship invites the reader into a conversation about reformed worship in a setting of ongoing colonization. Worship should both unsettle us, and equip us for the essential work of making things right with Indigenous neighbors. 


Doing the Deeply Spiritual Work of Land Acknowledgment

Tracy Kugler, a member of St. Paul's UCC in St. Paul, MN

~includes a strong list of resources for congregational or personal learning



Go to Beyond Land Acknowledgment SeriesA Guide to Indigenous Land Acknowledgment was compiled in conversation with a group of Minnesota Indigenous leaders.




Green road sign with cows in background. Sign reads Welcome To The Cheyene River Sioux Tribe Indian Reservation.

How To Write A Land Acknowledgement For Your Parish





CICSC logoThe California Indian Culture and Sovereignty Center offers this Toolkit.







In Our Library - Nontraditional


Black Liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley     Blessed are the Women: Naming & Reclaiming Women’s Stories from the Gospels     

Subscribe to the ELCA Worship Blog for weekly prompts for crafting local Prayers of Intercession. The post, Resources for Crafting the Prayers of Intercession, and FAQ, How Do We Craft Prayers of Intercession? will help leaders prepare weekly local prayers.

Praying for the Whole World: A Handbook for IntercessorsIn many churches, laypersons prepare the prayers of intercession. In this down-to-earth handbook, Ramshaw proposes seven steps, from Monday through Sunday, to assist in crafting the prayers of the faithful.

Equity Lens on Preaching & Praying: Regarding the Insurrection on Capital Hill

from the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area; by Rev. Anna Kendig Flores, PTCA Anti-Racism Institutional Assessment Coordinator

A prayer, posted August 9, 2021 by Maren, to share any time: Prayers for the Heating Earth

A collated Interfaith Prayer for Peace; adding pieces from other world religions or individuals - especially publicly/currently demonized groups - might add to its power.

Prayer, Litanies, and Liturgy - In Our Library

Picture of At the Still Point - eBook [ePub]     cover-CircleOfGrace.jpg          The Divine Hours: Prayers for Autumn and Wintertime   -     By: Phyllis Tickle     The Divine Hours (Volume One): Prayers for Summertime by Phyllis Tickle     The Divine Hours (Volume Three): Prayers for Springtime by Phyllis Tickle               9780898699203: Praying the Scriptures: Litanies for Sunday Worship          Sundays and Seasons C 2019 Guide to Worship Planning book cover Thumbnail