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Worship: Sermon Prep

resources from judicatories, including re-opening guidelines and online worship videos; online hospitality & participation; engaging children, youth, and intergenerational; lectionary & preaching; liturgy, music & liturgical arts; tech & copyright helps;


Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on. This series is filled with blessings, with the words we need to hear again and again as we begin a new season.

Here are some quick highlights:

  • The series is shaped around sacred reminders and the words we need to hear as we begin a new chapter.
  • The scriptures follow the theme and are not aligned with any lectionary. Download our infographic to see the scriptures included.
  • The bundle includes 13 resources (plus free supplements).

Enjoy these samples:

1. Devotional—SAMPLE
2. Words for Worship—SAMPLE
3. Children’s Curriculum—SAMPLE 
4. Poems—SAMPLE 

Invite artists of all ages to illustrate your Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or First Sunday of Christmas sermon. Use one of our Illustrate-Your-Own rhyming verse sermons for free. (Please share appropriate credits on all platforms: used by permission of the author, Rev. Emily Meyer.) And please let us know you're using them:



Free for members (MN UCC, UMC & PC(USA) congregations), this ~15-minute reflection video is based on Psalm 148 - and is appropriate throughout the Season after Epiphany. Join all creation in praising God for new birth, the New Year, and the hope of the Light of the World. The video is suited to insert as a sermon, reflection time, or prayer in in-person or online worship. It will also work well as an opening or closing of a gathering.

The video is comprised of images from congregations across Minnesota and features music from Julia Bloom of Cabin of Love.

Register to receive the video link here.



In Our Library

Martin Luther's Christmas Book