Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources to support engaging, prophetic preaching.
Scroll down to find:
Preachers may also find new inspiration in our Doctrines & Theologies, especially Atonement Theory and Exploring God and any of our Social Justice lib guides.
Getting Comfortable Preaching about Money and Generosity
Preaching on the topic of money is spiritually challenging. And it can also be personally challenging to leaders plagued by their own economic insecurity or discomfort in asking people to give. Meredith McNabb of the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving says preachers must address their own concerns and fears about money talk so they can invite their people into the faithful practice of generosity.
On Being with Krista Tippett
Read the intro and listen to Krista's interview with Kate DiCamillo: For the Eight-Year-Old in You
Paper Bag Cathedrals creates worship resources specifically for the challenges and advantages of small congregations.
Southern Methodist University's Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence's blog posts, peer groups, book lists, and frequent webinars provide numerous venues for inspiration and training.
Green Lectionary Podcast: Lent Edition
The Lent season of the Green Lectionary has officially begun streaming! Listen to the first episode anywhere you listen to podcasts, or via the website below. Episodes will drop weekly throughout Lent.
A place where Christian Faith and Science come together. Each week we take the Revised Common Lectionary and try finding a science connection or tie in into these texts.
Access free digital preaching resources created by the authors to help preachers engage the second coming in the pulpit, including multiple sermon series options as well as approaches for those preaching from the Revised Common Lectionary. These can be found at www.wjkbooks.com/SecondComing.
The Green Blades Preaching Roundtable gathers multiple voices to reflect on the ecological echoes, implications, and urgencies in preaching the weekly lectionary. Some focus on one reading, usually the gospel; others address each of the four readings. Some include liturgical and hymn suggestions. All of them are attempts to listen for the living Word, in love with the whole creation, pleading, singing, beckoning.
Learn more and subscribe to the Green Blades Rising Newsletter here.
To receive weekly reflections or contribute to them, email Kristin Foster.
Lutherans Restoring Creation offer a library of care-for-creation commentaries on scripture readings, thanks to a dedicated group of commentators (see their bios here). The commentaries follow the Revised Common Lectionary and cover every Sunday in the church year.
Preachers are invited to the Girardian Lectionary Study. Girardian or Mimetic Theory calls for a New Reformation based on preaching the Gospel of One New Humanity (Eph. 2:15) and debunking the sacrificial atonement theory. Discussion recordings and PowerPoint handouts are available with a subscription.
Learn more about the Girardian/Mimetic Theory here.
Find the discussion group's Facebook page here.
Learn more and register for the discussion group here.
Meets via Zoom on Mondays and/or Tuesdays; 1:30 PM CT
Clergy Stuff offers resources for Narrative and Revised Common Lectionaries, including confirmation, worship, preaching, children's stories, and VBS.
Cooking with Elsa provides weekly worship resources reflective of the RCL: sermon fodder, worship elements and many creative, thoughtful tips.
shares timely ideas and encouragement for worship and preaching based both on the Narrative Lectionary and the Revised Common Lectionary.
Vanderbilt Divinity Library has updated their Revised Common Lectionary webpages with newly integrated print pdfs and slides, making them seamlessly accessible for every Sunday/Holy Day with links to slides and images.
offers preaching insights to the Older Testament (i.e., “First Reading”) of the RCL
In word of GOD, word of LIFE Gail Ramshaw offers ten insights into the value and wisdom of the three-year lectionaries, combining deep historical, biblical, liturgical, and ecumenical knowledge with a keen perspective on the contemporary church.
Offers Connections, the commentary series for preachers who use the Revised Common Lectionary.
Looking into the Lectionary provides weekly resources for worship and preaching preparation.
Contact The Ministry Lab's Executive Director, Rev. Emily Meyer, for both recorded and in-person pulpit supply options.
Find her bio here.
Access previous recorded sermons on Vimeo.
United Theological Seminary Core Faculty and President are available to teach or for pulpit supply. Find their bios and how to schedule here.
A new lectionary that centers women
“If the gospel isn’t good news to the women in the passage, is it still good news?”
Grace Ji-Sun Kim interviews Wil Gafney
Green Blades Preaching Roundtable reflects on RCL texts with a creation-focused lens. Diverse authors serving in various contexts from across the country keep the reflections fresh and nuanced. Contact Kristin Foster to receive the weekly email.
Subscribe to the Green Blades Rising Newsletter (or email ecofaith@nemnsynod.org)
The PC(USA) Store has compiled a list of resources for Preaching & Teaching Women's Stories and Books for LGBTQIA+ Inclusion.
The Sacred Words Project is about reclaiming the ancient and rich gifts
of traditional religious language, or as many call it, the language of reverence.
Find numerous sacred words worship packets, updated regularly.
Frank Schaeffer, son of Francis Schaeffer, who created and shaped the evangelical political movement of the '80s, which brought us to today, shared this compelling video: part confession, part admonition. Important insight for creating helpful study and/or sermons.
Padraig O Tuama reads Meleika Gesa-Fatafehi's poem, Say My Name and discusses it's ramifications for personal history, identity, belonging and awareness - and the many ways these can be stripped by people who dismiss or mispronounce other's names.
Rev. Jim Bear Jacobs posted his Open Letter to White Clergy shortly after the killing of George Floyd; it's important for clergy to read prior to preparing sermons that call for peace, and it could be an important conversation starter
offers tips for Preaching to an Empty Room
Free for members (MN UCC, UMC & PC(USA) congregations), this ~15-minute reflection video is based on Psalm 148 - the assigned text for January 1, the First Sunday after Christmas, and appropriate throughout the Season after Epiphany. Join all creation in praising God for new birth, the New Year, and the hope of the Light of the World. The video is suited to insert as a sermon, reflection time, or prayer in in-person or online worship. It will also work well as an opening or closing of a gathering.
The video is comprised of images from congregations across Minnesota and features music from Julia Bloom of Cabin of Love.
It will be suitable for any time throughout the Season after Epiphany: register today for access anytime from January 1, 2023 through February 21, 2023.
Register to receive the video link here.
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines
Watch Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines for the highlights from his Sunday service on Reproductive Rights on June 26th, 2022! READ ON ...
“Anti-Choice is Anti-Christian”
Sermon by Rev. Mark Sandlin
Watch Rev. Mark Sandlin, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant on his June 26, 2022, sermon on Abortion Rights. READ ON ...
Diana Butler Bass freely shares her sermon, Jesus is the Way - originally preached at Platte Woods UMC in Kansas City. It is an exploration of based on John 14:6. The post includes a concluding benediction.
faith in action for social justice
Sign up to receive recommended sermons, tips for preaching about immigration, and tools for churches seeking justice with immigrant communities. Includes sermons from two MN Annual Conference UMC preachers: Nate Melcher and Jean Carlos Diaz.
provides FREE lectionary-based video sermons by America’s best preachers for use in worship, Bible study, small groups, Sunday school classes, or for individual use.
The Ministry Lab is excited to share access to Rev. Jia Starr Brown's transformative series, Journey to Freedom: Embracing God's Cultural Mosaic of People. Along with diversity trainings, Bible studies, and book groups, the 2020 them, Intersectionality, was brought to life by six guest preachers reflecting on John 4:4-26 (The Woman at the Well) and poetry and music from Minnesota-based artists.