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Worship: Earth Day & Creationtide

resources from judicatories, including re-opening guidelines and online worship videos; online hospitality & participation; engaging children, youth, and intergenerational; lectionary & preaching; liturgy, music & liturgical arts; tech & copyright helps;

Creationtide Books

Earth Day: An Alphabet Book (read by the author)     For the Beauty of the Earth          The Story of Us     This Is God’s Table     Cover Image


Creation Justice Ministries designed this resource to help leaders think through all of the ways plastic appears in our culture and to consider questions of how we can best love God, creation, and neighbor In a world overrun with waste and pollution. The resource contains an overview of the plastic crisis, a theological framing, sermon starters, advocacy ideas, and resources for children. Additionally, three original songs were commissioned to fit this year’s theme. The resource includes recordings as well as sheet music.

Download and share this resource as you prepare for Earth day and the days beyond as we turn our hearts away from things made with human hands and begin to fall in love with God’s earth!

Gather Together: 8 Intergenerational Events to Explore All Creation Sings

Gather Together: 8 Intergenerational Events to Explore All Creation Sings

Bring your entire congregation together to learn about All Creation Sings, worship, and spend time in community with this intergenerational guide. This will be a great addition to the worship life of your church. Participants will grow in faith, build relationships and have fun together.


We are so grateful and honored to have Buff Grace, Director of Faith Networks for Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light join Emily Meyer for our first-ever Commentary Conversation. (Is this a thing? If so, is this what we should call it?? If you listen and find the conversation helpful or inspiring, please let us know!! Email us with comments.

We touch on Acts 21 Peter 1, and Luke 24. The conversation ranges from the dust and mud of Lent to recognizing the risen Christ - on the road to Emmaus and throughout the cosmos.

Listen in or view the ~45 minute discussion here.

 Hear Matthew Fox in conversation with Alex and Allyson Grey, of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, on "Easter, Christ, and Creation Spirituality."


God’s Good Earth in Crisis

While our liturgical calendar is ordered by sacred seasons, it is also sprinkled with special days—days set apart for celebration, honor, awe, unity, and justice. That’s why A Sanctified Art has crafted their Special Sundays collection with liturgy, art, and poetry for:

These worship resources are intended to be meaningful, low-prep materials to add creativity and depth to each service.

Creation care resources for you and your church

Worship Resources for Creation Care

This collection of prayers, liturgies, songs, sermon ideas, and children’s materials were crowdsourced from across the Christian Reformed Church in North America, then reviewed by a team of Reformed theologians. Worship can call us more fully into our roles as stewards of God’s creation; these resources make it easy. 

Lutherans Restoring Creation

Lutherans Restoring Creation is a grassroots group of advocates for climate justice in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Their website includes stories and ideas for advocacy, personal discipleship, and creation care for churches. 

Interfaith Power and Light

This ecumenical organization offers a variety of resources and ways you can put your faith into action for a safer climate. Check out their Cool Congregations program for churches using solar energy as well as their resources for worship and education. 

Earth Day Resources

Each year, Creation Justice Ministries publishes a compilation of liturgies, action ideas, Bible studies, informational articles, and more to mark Earth Day and/or Earth Day Sunday. Committed to “justice for God’s planet and people,” this organization has many opportunities for stewardship and action.

Aerial photo of Plainsong Farm in Michigan "Blessing the Fields”: A Liturgy for Community Farms and Gardens

With tips for Creating Your Own “Blessing the Fields” Liturgy

Your ministry might not take place at a farm, but wherever you are is a part of God’s creation too. How might you bless it, even as it has blessed you?

By Nurya Love Parish (she/her/hers); Feb 08, 2023

Sacred Energy (Mass of the Universe) — Part 1

by William L. Wallace

An entire liturgy (with power point slides available elsewhere), including litanies, music, and script for a dramatized sermon.

Lutherans Restoring Creation offer a library of care-for-creation commentaries on scripture readings, thanks to a dedicated group of commentators (see their bios here). The commentaries follow the Revised Common Lectionary and cover every Sunday in the church year.

Online Worship


Lutherans Restoring Creation presents three special Earth Day Worship Services, intended for use on the 2nd Sunday of Easter/Earth Day Sunday.


2023: The Rev. Dr. R. Guy Irwin preaches. Register now to prepare for your congregation's use. The service contains everything you need for a full (non-communion) service and will be available for download by April 9. Register here or text code LRCEarthDay to 617.917.5865 to receive a form.

2022: Rev. Dr. Carmelo Santos preaches; music from Vance Blackfoot, Tom Witt & Mary Preus, and Baird Linke; liturgy created and led by leaders and congregations from across the US, including The Ministry Lab's Rev. Emily Meyer.

2021: ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton preaches; visual journeys, music, and "peaceful places" offerings are shared by leaders and congregations from around the US. Learn more.

Find the service on the LRC YouTube channel or their LRC Facebook page.


Consider donating to Lutherans Restoring Creation to bolster continued grassroots work in creation care and consider creating a Green Team in your congregation to promote and continue this work.

A prayer, posted August 9, 2021 by Maren, to share any time:

Prayers for the Heating Earth

The Office of Social Justice and Faith Formation Ministries offer this resource to address God's call to care for creation. Ten Ways to Care for Creation includes ideas such as starting an intergenerational gardening project, holding a storytelling series, and much more!

Download this free resource or order printed copies for a small fee at


A New Heaven and a New Earth: Earth Day 2021 includes:

  • Articles
    • Birth of a Movement to Address Environmental Racism and Health Threats
    • Air Pollution: How Diesel Emissions Are Affecting Our Children
  • Sermon Starter
  • Action Recommendations
  • Liturgical Elements

In Our Library

     Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology, and the Pulpit