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Worship: World Communion Sunday & World Food Day

resources from judicatories, including re-opening guidelines and online worship videos; online hospitality & participation; engaging children, youth, and intergenerational; lectionary & preaching; liturgy, music & liturgical arts; tech & copyright helps;

World Communion Liturgical Resources

While our liturgical calendar is ordered by sacred seasons, it is also sprinkled with special days—days set apart for celebration, honor, awe, unity, and justice. That’s why A Sanctified Art has crafted their Special Sundays collection with liturgy, art, and poetry for:

These worship resources are intended to be meaningful, low-prep materials to add creativity and depth to each service.

Worship planning guide for World Communion SundayWorld Communion: Does your church celebrate World Communion Sunday? Pick up worship resources and planning materials here.

Anna Kendig Flores, Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area Anti-Racism Coordinator created Preaching, Praying, & Planning for World Communion Sunday with an Equity Lens.

PC(US) Mission shares World Communion Sunday resources here.

The ELCA groups resources for Global Church Sunday appropriate for a mission festival or visit from a missionary, or celebrations of World Day of Prayer for Peace, World Communion Sunday or Lutheran World Federation Sunday.

A Just World for All / World Communion Sunday

This World Communion Sunday service draws on the wisdom of the Southern Asia Initiative of Global Ministries.

World Food Day


World Food Day theme for 2021 is: Grow, Nourish, Sustain: Together. Our Actions Are Our Future

Download the Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations 16-page Sustainable Development Goals brochure.

     This Is God’s Table

In Our Library

Gifts of Many Cultures | Worship Resources for the Global Community (Tirabassi & Eddy)