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Worship: Technology & Copyrights

resources from judicatories, including re-opening guidelines and online worship videos; online hospitality & participation; engaging children, youth, and intergenerational; lectionary & preaching; liturgy, music & liturgical arts; tech & copyright helps;


Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources to help folx figure out Technology & Copyrights.

Scroll down to find:

  • Books
  • Copyrights & Permissions
  • Judicatory & Other Denominational Helps
  • Online Tools
  • Other Online Tips & How-To's
  • In Our Library


Analog Church     Grace and Gigabytes: Being Church in a Tech-Shaped Culture     The Holy and the Hybrid: Navigating the Church's Digital Reformation     Book - Paperback     The Visual Preacher: Proclaiming an Embodied Word

Copyrights & Permissions

Video Series on ‘Copyrights in Worship

PC(USA) staff address respecting creators when honoring our Creator

by Beth Waltemath | Presbyterian News Service

“Our use of language, symbols and cultural forms in Christian worship is founded on the gift of Jesus’ incarnation,” said the Rev. Dr. David Gambrell, quoting the Book of Order (W-1.0301), in his opening for a video addressing copyright issues in worship. The same passage in the Book of Order later states, “Through Jesus Christ, we may speak truthfully to God and lift up our hearts with gratitude.” The video, Copyrights in Worship: Words,” is the second in a series of six short videos produced by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through a collaboration between its Office of Theology & Worship, legal staff and Communications team. Read more

Church ResourcesA Guide to Copyright Laws for Churches

Posted by  | Aug 26, 2022

Augsburg Fortress offers updated guidance on copyright and permissions for reprinting, displaying and streaming texts and music for worship. Learn about different licenses for different situations and what is and is not covered with a subscription to

Judicatory & Other Denominational Helps

Graphic showing one person receiving information from the church leading to that person sharing information with others in a group4 Keys to Moving from Online Worship to Online Ministry

Nicole Reilley says posting worship services online is just the first step in developing a holistic online ministry. She enumerates four keys to developing a digital ministry that engages people and moves them toward Christ and his church.

The Video Editing for Churches course will help you learn how to use editing tools like Adobe Rush and iMovie to create videos your members, newcomers, and others will want to see.The Video Editing for Churches course will help you learn how to use editing tools like Adobe Rush and iMovie to create videos your members, newcomers, and others will want to see.

This is an open enrollment course.

The United Methodist Church's Communications offers free Social Media Shareable download sets containing graphics created for diverse social media platforms.

Logo for CMUThe Ultimate Guide to Church Photography Policies: Church photography is an amazing tool for sharing the gospel. Learn up-to-date tips one authentically showcasing the life of your church while respecting people's privacy.

Pastoring in the Digital Parish delivers community and resources for leaders adjusting to ministry in digital space. It’s the digital ministry class you missed in seminary.Pastoring in the Digital Parish (from the United Methodist Church) delivers community and resources for leaders adjusting to ministry in digital space with coaches and teachers who guide listeners in building an online presence for ministries, engaging individuals in community, and ushering communities into digital discipleship.

Online & Hybrid Ministry Resources: blogs, podcasts, articles, etc.

Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church offers 7 Ways to Connect with Your Community with Low – or No – Broadband Access

sends folks to Epiphan Video for How to live stream: a beginner’s survival guide and to The Gospel Coalition for a tutorial on How to Livestream Your Church Service: A Practical Guide and

directs folks to Hacking Christianity for a tutorial on Creating Live-streamed Worship in 3 Days

offers a tutorial on Using Facebook Live, which you can also learn from Dynamic Church Ministries in a video.

All of the United Methodist Communications' Local Church Learning Sessions have been developed specifically to support local United Methodist churches during this extraordinary time. New sessions will be added here as they are produced.

Jeremy Steel of the UMC writes, The Symbol that Inspires People to #act: #hashtags

Find tips for the most effective uses of hashtags for promotion and engagement.

Online Tools

logoThe #1 brand for teleprompter software and video production solutions.

For script-based preachers: $20 one-time app fee gets you a life-long app that follows your voice as a teleprompter. Excellent for pulpit and/or video sermon delivery.

For Virtual Choirs see Adobe Premier and Upbeat Perform.

Pixel Preacher

Pixel Preacher is a design shop specifically for churches. Most of the items available have a price tag, but they do have a “freebies” section that contains many basic (but fun) graphics—motion loops, countdowns, social media, and overlays included.  Access freebies

Offers weekly tips and tools for strengthening your online presence and outreach.

There are a variety of free video-editing options available that sometimes offer more features than more expensive platforms. A few of the most highly rated free video editors are LightworksBlenderShotcut, and DaVinci Resolve. is offering a new service that helps churches stream worship to their websites. Make your online worship service easier to find and drive more traffic to your website with this amazing free resource.

Call-in Telephone Streaming Service provides a local, dedicated telephone number that requires no access codes. Worshippers can call in during the service to listen live or call in later to hear a recording of the most recent service. They can even opt-in to be called each Sunday when the service begins.

Vanderbilt Divinity Library has updated their Revised Common Lectionary webpages with newly integrated print pdfs and slides, making them seamlessly accessible for every Sunday/Holy Day with links to slides and images.

Resource UMC shares how to Use Phones to Worship Remotely

Word Swag app, available on both iOS and Android devices, turns quotes and brief messages into beautiful photo text designs. Those who post to church social media pages will find this app especially useful. There is both a free version and a paid version.

Other Online Tips & How-To's

People praying in the living room of a house church worship serviceChurch Comes Home” featuring Dave Barnhart

The pandemic taught us that church happens in powerful and meaningful ways outside our buildings. Dave Barnhart describes how small, home-centered worshiping communities can connect with people who may never cross the threshold of your church.

Jordana WrightBuilding Vibrant Community Connections in Digital and Physical Spaces

By  And 

How can your congregation connect with new people in both physical and digital spaces? Lewis Center Director F. Douglas Powe Jr. interviews Jordana Wright on strategies for transforming congregations into vibrant community hubs.

Listen to this interviewwatch the interview video on YouTube, or read it here.

Why Campus Ministries Aren’t Streaming Worship

By University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Lutheran Center Campus Pastor Rev. Adam White (ELCA)

Icons for ways to improve livestream worship8 Keys to Improving Livestream Worship

By  On Leading Ideas

Bob Whitesel has watched many online Sunday services to identify recurring weaknesses and help churches improve their livestreaming. He offers eight practical suggestions for engaging online worshipers more effectively.

Graphic representing the growth of a church's YouTube channel

5 Key Ways to Improve Your Church YouTube Channel

Phil Cooke explains why YouTube is critical to your church’s digital presence. He outlines five ways to improve your YouTube channel and boost your outreach.

Icons representing the 5 dos and don'ts

5 Dos and Don’ts to Make the Most of Your Digital Worship

It’s a good time for congregations to reassess their approach to online worship. The Lewis Center's Tim Snyder offers five “dos and don’ts” for churches looking to make digital worship a permanent element of their ministry.

Graphic representing broadcasting vs videoconferencing

What Approach to Digital Worship is Best for Your Church?

Tim Snyder of the Lewis Center staff outlines the pluses and minuses of two platforms commonly used for digital worship — broadcast platforms and video conferencing. Each has its own logic, possibilities, and limitations that must be considered in deciding what is right in your setting.

Convergence offers the on-demand course How to Do Hybrid Worship with Jim Keat

How to Create a Virtual Anthem

AND: Fall Friday Webinar Series includes:

  • Practical Methods and Uses of Virtual Church Music
  • Confused about Licensing? Let's Talk
  • Truly Present: Practicing Prayer in the Liturgy
  • Lutheran Summer Music Webinar: Creating a Virtual Ensemble

In Our Library

Alternative Worship     Creative Ideas for Alternative Sacramental Worship     main product photo