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Anti-Racism: Adults: Black Voices

books, videos, online resources for individual and group study/discussion on racism, antiracism and white supremacy culture

Book Lists

bell hooks' Spiritual Vision: Buddhist, Christian, and Feminist     The Black Box     Breathe          Liberation and the Cosmos: Conversations with the Elders, Revised Edition     Love, Auntie     Soil     BL_WeRefuseToBeSilent_Cover_9781506491110c     #SayHerName


10 Books By Black Authors That You Need To Read Right Now

Works by writers like bell hooks, Damon Young and James Baldwin that will educate and make an impact on everyone.

By Tessa Flores


imageWhen Black Female Pastors Speak

When black female preachers speak we should all listen. The insight and intention provided by black theologians illustrate their ability to bring the history of black culture and religious experience into the life of Christians and the liturgical life of the church. For centuries black mothers have passed on wisdom – in the white world, in the black community, and with men. This wisdom has illustrated how God reveals prophetic word and action for Christian living. 

Convergence proudly offers this collection of conversations with some of the most impactful black voices in the progressive Christian space, pairing important themes with visionary insights from: 

  • Rev. Jacqui Lewis
  • Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson
  • Rev. Dr. Kelle Brown
  • Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglass
  • Rev. Traci Blackmon
  • Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers
  • Bishop Yvette Flunder. 


22 Race-Related Films That Will Make You Laugh, Cry, and Think Differently

BY Zenobia Jeffries Warfield

Research has shown that certain movies have caused social justice change, or simply inspired good things to happen.

In Our Library

AllTheColorsWeWillSee_3Dmedium.png     Hood Feminism Cover