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Anti-Racism: Adults: Current Events & Movements

books, videos, online resources for individual and group study/discussion on racism, antiracism and white supremacy culture


     Ashes to Action: Finding Myself at the Intersection of the Minneapolis Uprising     Be a Revolution     Black Lives Matter to Jesus: The Salvation of Black Life and All Life in Luke and Acts     The #BlackLivesMatter Movement          Critical Faith: What It Is, What It Isn't, and Why It Matters     Do Black Lives Matter?     The Enneagram for Black Liberation: Return to Who You Are Beneath the Armor You Carry          A Fire at the Center               go-back-thmb.png     Humanizing Immigration     Picture of If God Still Breathes, Why Can't I?     Innocent Until Proven Muslim: Islamophobia, the War on Terror, and the Muslim Experience Since 9/11     A Master Class on Being Human     Oak Flat by Lauren Redniss          The Path to a Livable Future: A New Politics to Fight Climate Change, Racism, and the Next Pandemic     Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism--and What Comes Next               Remember Me Now by Faitth Brooks          School Clothes     Something in the Water: A 21st Century Civil Rights Odyssey          Ten Lives, Ten Demands          Through the Lens of Whiteness          Unbound     Unbroken and Unbowed     Until I Am Free          BL_WeRefuseToBeSilent_Cover_9781506491110c          #SayHerName



What Is Critical Race Theory and What Christians Should Know


  • GCORR REAL TALK video to learn more about Critical Race Theory

  • Critical Race Theory Infographic Series download

  • Christian Voices on Critical Race Theory
  • More Christian Perspectives (additional resources)
  • How White Christians Can Learn from Critical Race Theory


United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities offers a list of Resources and Actions amidst the Chauvin Trial and the Death of Daunte Wright, including opportunities for Prayer/Meditation, Holding Memory, Changing Policies, Impacting Public Discourse, and Engaging Our Emotions.

SURJ-TC organizes white people to build the political will needed to end white supremacy through political education, direct action, self reflection, and community-building, and by following the example and leadership of BIPOC partners.

Blogs, Podcasts & Articles


6 Tips for White People Who Want to Celebrate Black History

Here’s what you can do to authentically engage with Black History this month and every month.



Photo by Saul Loeb/Getty Images.

Critical Race Theory

Dr. Greg Carey shares an overview and insights in Critical Race Theory: Coming to Terms.

How God as Trinity Dissolves Racism: Sojourners w/ Richard Rohr


African American Policy Forum short film: The Unequal Opportunity Race

Told by the activists and leaders who live and breathe this movement for justice, Whose Streets? is an unflinching look at the Ferguson uprising.

Tragedy in Philadelphia: Astonishingly gripping, LET THE FIRE BURN is a found-footage film that unfurls with the tension of a thriller.

In Our Library

Hood Feminism Cover     To Be A Water Protector