What Women’s Suffrage Owes to Indigenous Culture
AUG 19, 2020
Illustrations by Cindy Echevarria and Jessica Bogac-Moore. From Chronicle Books.
From Yale Divinity School's Youth Ministry Institute:
For Indigenous Peoples, Abortion Is a Religious Right
by Abaki Beck & Rosalyn Lapier; Yes! Magazine
Audre Lorde's The Uses of Anger (Women's Studies Quarterly) is essential reading.
For Collard Girls is a journey, a conversation, and a podcast, that shares the unique, bold and beautiful narrative of womyn of color who are in spaces in the church, in the community, and in the world.
Barbara A. Holmes' film series with The Work of the People: A Transcendent Leap (on our cosmic identities), Womanist Theology, Release the Fire (on Pentecost and the Spirit), Be the Mystery, Emerging Wholeness (on God's call to love our neighbor), A Contemplative Moment (on how contemplative prayer births prophetic proclamation and action).
The Ministry Lab is excited to share access to Rev. Jia Starr Brown's transformative series, Journey to Freedom: Embracing God's Cultural Mosaic of People. Along with diversity trainings, Bible studies, and book groups, the 2020 them, Intersectionality, was brought to life by six guest preachers reflecting on John 4:4-26 (The Woman at the Well) and poetry and music from Minnesota-based artists.
As she fights the tide of violence against trans women, activist Victoria Cruz probes the suspicious 1992 death of her friend Marsha P. Johnson.
Dismantling Racism Webinar Series - see especially: Intersectionality