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Congregational Life: Social Justice: Covid-19 Compassion

online and in-person connections for service and justice work


Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources to help congregational leaders encourage congregational engagement in the work of Covid-10 Compassion. Here you'll find opportunities for:

  • Individual Engagement
  • Household Engagement
  • Congregational Engagement
  • Community Engagement

If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Rev. Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.

Individual Engagement

For faith leaders wanting to help folx with accessibility issues navigate vaccination systems and/or get registered online for COVID-19 vaccines, The MN Council of Churches recommends MN Vaccine Hunters. To submit names of adults who are in need of, want, and are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, click here. This is a safe, secure, grassroots effort through which a limited number of individuals will have access to the information provided.

The Women of the MN Annual Conference UMC invite you to make masks.


offer lists of pandemic service opportunities

Household Engagement

Sahan Journal's COVID-19 Vaccine Project includes an article from Ben Hovland - in English, Spanish, Somali, and Oromo - with information from medical providers who treat kids in Minnesota offering Everything kids and parents need to know about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Donate household items and clothes to Old School, by Steeple People

Publication Cover Image     Publication Cover Image

Congregational Engagement

Bishop Bill Tesch of the ELCA's NW MN Synod offers guidance and Martin Luther's comments on faith during The Plague in this video.

The White House through the HHS published a toolkit for how organizations – including houses of worship – can work directly with vaccine providers to set up vaccination clinics in locations that people know.
For information on National Vaccine Month, click here.

Rev. Dr. Anna Hall (of Convergence) reflects on Church & Vaccine

Thriving Beyond COVID is a scripture-based small and large group study that will encourage, inspire, and challenge members and get them in a positive frame of mind for your post-COVID journey. Challenges can be managed with faith and a plan. This two-minute video is an introduction. A leader guide, small and large group participant guides, as well as videos are available for free download here.

The WI Council of Churches offers these important and thoughtful Returning to Church guidelines and suggestions; dated 05.13.21.

Faiths4Vaccines is connecting and supporting faith communities and leaders across the country who are leading by example, receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, advocating on behalf of its equitable distribution, and mobilizing to support vaccination administration.

See their Love thy neighbor. Get vaccinated. video here.


Nuns & Nones provide an excellent article on emerging from Covid-19 and an interactive resource guide for creating ritual to help us move - individually and collectively - into the future "with little luggage, ready to imagine another world."

The World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue have released a joint document, “Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity: A Christian Call to Reflection and Action During COVID-19 and Beyond.” Its purpose is to encourage churches and Christian organizations to reflect on the importance of interreligious solidarity in a world wounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Lewis Center for Church Leadership has a growing list of Covid-19-related resources on topics of Social Action, Stewardship, Technology, and Hospitality.

5 Addictions the Church Must Overcome to Grow in the Future

Carey Nieuwhof explains that churches must respond to a culture that has become even more digital, mobile, and home-centered during the COVID-19 crisis. He predicts growing churches will focus less on place-based ministry and packed rooms and will adjust budgets and attitudes to fit a new reality.

numerous ideas and links for creative responses to community needs

Understanding common felt needs may help in launching an online micro-community and showing compassion for neighbors.

Community Engagement

COVID-19 Funeral Assistance from FEMA: FEMA will provide financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred after Jan. 20, 2020. Applications will be accepted starting April 12. Please share this resource with loved ones of those who passed away of COVID and had a funeral at your church.

Interfaith leaders offer pandemic prayer

The leaders of more than a dozen judicatories in Minnesota crafted a joint statement voicing concern about the increase in COVID-19 cases and urging Minnesotans to serve their communities, partner with neighbors and health care workers, and make changes that will save lives.

  RIP Medical Debt

Check out the 2020 Medical Debt Summit, recorded 10.06.20. See Matthew 25 in the PC(USA) for inspiration.

Sign and share this statement to Congress urging compassionate release of people in federal prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Share a letter of support for – and solidarity with – your local health care providers and other frontline workers. Invite neighboring faith communities to join you. [Expand the Christian references accordingly, to include others.] Share a “signed” version on your website and/or a local media outlet.

Minneapolis Forward shares resources (to offer or receive) related to COVID-19 and the transformation of the city.


     Coronaspection     Shelter in This Place

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