The Israel/Palestine conflict has been raging since Israel's nationalization in 1948. It is a complex and far-ranging issue, with enormous international implications.
Discussions can be emotional, spiritual, political, and intellectual. Here are resources to touch on all the salient points to increase awareness and understanding.
See also our War & Genocide lib guide.
North American Church Leaders Call for Peace in Holy Land in Advent Prayer Resource which is part of the ELCA's Resources for the Crisis in the Holy Land
Heads of US Churches and Church-Based Organizations Call for Immediate Ceasefire and PC(USA) Israel-Palestine Ceasefire
The Episcopal Church, USA, Office of Government Relations provides several resources for action.
Churches for Middle East Peace calls for ceasefire, pleas for humanitarian relief in Gaza
Solutions Not Sides is an education programme that exists to provide humanising encounters, diverse narratives and critical-thinking tools in order to empower young people with the knowledge, empathy and skills to promote dialogue and conflict resolution, and to challenge prejudice in the UK.
PLEASE NOTE: SNS has been critiqued by some Muslim groups. Please read one critique here. It may be helpful to use suggestions and some content while being transparent about the origins of SNS.
Jewish Voice for Peace members are inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for Palestinian rights and freedom. They organize within an anti-Zionist framework to support anti-colonial and anti-racist struggle, understanding the connection between liberation in Palestine and Indigenous sovereignty here in the U.S., as well as the end of white supremacy. The local JVP-TC chapter is working to promote abolition organizing in the Twin Cities and ending the #DeadlyExchange. Their chapter has a long history of legislative work on multiple fronts. They meet monthly.
Supporting over two hundred Palestine solidarity organizations across occupied Turtle Island, we aim to develop a student movement that is connected, disciplined, and equipped with the tools necessary to achieve Palestinian liberation.
As the public affairs voice of the Jewish community, the JCRC fights anti-Semitism and prejudice, advocates for Israel, provides Holocaust education, promotes tolerance and social justice, and builds bridges across the Jewish and broader communities.
Minnesota for Palestine Coalition is a group of Palestine solidarity organizations in Minnesota. The coalition represents organizations and activists from a diverse set of ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds with a shared belief in justice for the people of Palestine.
Rethinking Arab American Heritage Month
April 16, 2024
Arab America is hurting. At a time when Palestinians in Gaza are being systematically wiped out, the idea of celebrating April as Arab American Heritage Month feels jarring, according to Stephanie Abraham. In a powerful new piece for YES!, Abraham navigates the challenges for a community that has barely recovered from decades of demonization after the 9/11 attacks. She explores ways in which this month can offer opportunities to demand justice for Gaza instead of centering on performative celebrations of diversity.
In Real Christian Talk about Israel and the Palestinians, Dr. Greg Carey asserts that, "Despite the media’s efforts to promote over-simplified narratives, it’s possible for us to hold multiple truths in tension with one another. Let us not grow weary in our insistence upon justice for the Palestinians."
Arab American Heritage Month Resources for 2024
To help Christian communities lift up Arab American voices and stories during April and throughout the year, Building Faith has assembled a list of resources, including new and recent books and reading lists, articles, resource hubs, podcasts, videos, and virtual exhibits. The list aims to provide churches with a starting point for gaining greater understanding of Arab American histories and cultures and for engaging in justice efforts with Arab American communities.
PACEO's Curriculum on Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation is devoted to understanding and challenging antisemitism grounded in a deep commitment to justice and dignity for all people.
The curriculum and resources are participatory and interactive and build from people's own wisdom, knowledge, histories, and experience.
Some of the topics in the curriculum include:
Social Justice Books provides, 'recommended titles for pre-K-12 and adults on Palestine'.
See also their Zinn Education Project (with Rethinking Schools) where they offer... resources for teaching and learning about the current crisis in Palestine and Israel, through the lens of history.
This list of titles includes, with reviews, books they do not recommend.
See related titles on these lists: Arabs and Arab Americans, Muslims, and Jewish Identity & History
Worship Resources for the Crisis in the Holy Land
A set of worship resources is now available on Several prayers are provided that could be used during the prayers of intercession or at other times, in public worship or for devotional use at home or in other settings. Additions may be made to these resources in the coming days and weeks.
Daneen Akers created a wonderful list of resources for talking with children about conflict, violence, and war. Find her helpful learning and spiritual practice resources here.
15 Books to Read to Better Understand the Modern History of Israel-Palestine
For resources on the modern history of Israel / Palestine, see this list of readings compiled by associate editor of Alma, Emily Burack.