Connected to the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, and located on the ancestral homelands of our Wahpekute and Mdewakanton neighbors (read our land acknowledgement and our commitment to reparations), Good Courage Farm is a place where neighbors of all faiths and none gather to work for food justice and to witness God’s renewing love for all of Creation. At Good Courage, friends of God and God's good Earth gather in worship, fellowship, community building and labor. We are blessed to be in partnership with Episcopal Church in Minnesota and the larger faith-based food and agriculture movement. Embedded in the beauty, abundance and travail of farming, Good Courage offers hospitality and space for service, sacrament and sabbath.
Experience the Farm through:
Fighting Consumerism with Fasting and Feasting
Christian fasting and feasting is the ultimate anti-consumerist response.
Kendall Vanderslice // February 24, 2020