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Congregational Life: Social Justice: Immigrants & Refugees

online and in-person connections for service and justice work

Service Opportunities

Creating freedom, hope, and opportunity in Minnesota.

Refugee families need help and support when they first arrive in this country. Check out resources from the Minnesota Council of Churches to learn more:

Co-sponsor | Minnesota Council of Churches (

This video may be helpful as well:  Austin, TX — A Transformational Ministry on Vimeo

Peace Village Global

Peace Village Global: creating strategic partnerships with peace builders worldwide to design and implement exceptional programs that prevent and reduce violence.

Refugee Services initiatives here.

EMERGE Community Development | LinkedIn

EMERGE has deep roots in North Minneapolis and Cedar-Riverside, and specialized experience in providing innovative support for people overcoming barriers to employment such as overcoming a criminal background, new Americans facing language barriers, single parents struggling with poverty cycles, and participants who seek to earn higher wages.

Volunteer Virtually with Refugee ServicesOnline. Refugee Services of the Minnesota Council of Churches needs online volunteers. Help refugees with the skills needed to navigate life in Minnesota and with English conversation practice.


An Interactive Journal on Christian Social Justice offers numerous and varied ways to engage.

Blogs, Podcasts & Webinars

Brian Billston's brilliant "reverse poem" Refugees sums it up well: read it first from the top down, then read again from the bottom up.

Share it also through the gorgeously illustrated book:

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The webinar, “Boldly Serving Our Afghan Neighbors: Getting Involved through Congregational Accompaniment & Co-sponsorship,” elicited wide interest in ways to help Afghan neighbors now and into the future. An archive of this webinar is available.

The Sahan Journal's Hibah Ansari shares How You Can Help Afghan Refugees in Minnesota Right Now

Minnesota has pledged to accept dozens of Afghans fleeing their country after the Taliban takeover. Many of them helped the U.S. Armed Forces and would face danger and death back home. Resettlement agencies say these new arrivals will need ongoing help with everything from housing to job training as they rebuild their lives in Minnesota

Rosalind C. Hughes' Over the Water: read it.


Shoulder to Shoulder offers "Faith Over Fear" virtual training periodically throughout the year. Gain valuable skills to better counter anti-Muslim discrimination in your community and learn how to build stronger local multireligious networks. Learn more and register here.

Hollaback! logo

Hollaback and Asian Americans Advancing Justice teamed up to create free Bystander Intervention Trainings. See here for dates and details.

545 of Our Children by Dr. Eric Barreto

Rev. Amanda Simons from Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church shared her Literature Epiphanies, including a list of resources congruent with her book study of American Dirt.

Denominational Resources


Access your denomination's support of refugee welcome as follows:

If your congregation would like to work with a different organization, you might try We Are Alight. Or find further information at the US Department of State's Sponsor Circle Program for Afghans.

Photo essay: 'I was a stranger...': In September, a UM News team accompanied faith leaders from The United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church of Mexico on visits to migrant communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. See how the church is ministering to those in need through this powerful series of images.  Access photo essay


This hour and a half training builds on the new toolkit Welcoming and Advocating for Afghan SIVs and Other Afghan Refugees, tailored for UCC congregations that want to engage effectively in support for Afghan SIVs and other Afghan refugees being resettled to the United States.

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota offers numerous supports for Immigrant and Refugee peoples, including prayers in solidarity and opportunities for congregations to walk with a refugee family in their Circle of Welcome program.


AMMPARO was envisioned to accompany children today and in the future who are forced to flee their communities because of complex and interrelated reasons. Explore their Resources on the Web and their congregational strategy tools.

Additional Resources

Minnesota Compass | Tracking trends & progress Minnesota Compass provides credible, easy-to-access data on Minnesota populations of current and historical immigrant groups; tracks trends and measures progress on 'how Minnesota is doing on issues that impact ...quality of life'; and work to improve understanding to make data-informed decisions in state-wide policy, communities, businesses, etc.

You might share this beautiful video from the Franciscan Action Network on your website.


faith in action for social justice

El Camino - The Way

Engage immigrant justice. Find transformative sermons.

Sign up to receive recommended sermons, tips for preaching about immigration, and tools for churches seeking justice with immigrant communities. Includes sermons from two MN Annual Conference UMC preachers: Nate Melcher and Jean Carlos Diaz.

Reporting on Minnesota's new Americans — Sahan Journal

Sahan Journal is the only independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit digital newsroom fully dedicated to providing authentic news reporting for and about immigrants and communities of color in Minnesota, chronicling the struggles, successes and transformations of Minnesota’s immigrants and communities of color, whose stories are often overlooked by traditional news organizations.

Richard Blanco's How to Love a Country and other poems and writings on the many Homes we carry within us.

From MN Council of Churches:

Children, Tweens & Teens - Books

All Are Neighbors     Bright Star          Cuba in My Pocket          Dolores Huerta     Drawn Together     Homeland: My Father Dreams of Palestine - Moushabeck, Hannah     Once I Was You -- Adapted for Young Readers     Para Todos - For All     50162416. sx318      Rest in My Shade: A Poem about Roots - Murad, Nora Lester     Slug and Snail Search for Home (Manfredini & Gould)     These Olive Trees by Aya Ghanameh     Straw Bag, Tin Box, Cloth Suitcase: Three Immigrant Voices Trade Book (Hardcover)     Watch Me     Watercress     What You Need to Be Warm     Look Inside Where Is Home, Daddy Bear?     Wishes     Yuna's Cardboard Castles

Adults - Books & Downloads

American Dirt (Oprah's Book Club)     Asian American Histories of the United States     Boomerang / Bumerán     Border Dance     CHURCH AT THE WALL     Cornered by the Dark     Education Across Borders     Faithful in Small Things     go-back-thmb.png     The God Who Sees     The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World     Humanizing Immigration     Innocent Until Proven Muslim: Islamophobia, the War on Terror, and the Muslim Experience Since 9/11          A Journey Called Hope: Today’s Immigrant Stories and the American Dream     Journeys of Asian Diaspora: Mapping Originations and Destinations     My Fourth Time, We Drowned by Sally Hayden          Once I Was You     Our Angry Eden: Faith and Hope on a Hotter, Harsher Planet     Parenting with an Accent     Precious Precarity: A Spirituality of Borders     Shifting Climates, Shifting People (De La Torre)     Somewhere We Are Human     What We Remember Will Be Saved: A Story of Refugees and the Things They Carry     White Borders

The Our Angry Eden Discussion Guide is perfect for church groups, book clubs, and individual study.


A Journey Called Hope: Today’s Immigrant Stories and the American DreamReading as part of a book study? Author Rick Rouse can join your group by Zoom.

Email to learn more.

In Our Library - Children

Adriana's Angels     9780899195216: How Many Days to America?: A Thanksgiving Story     

In Our Library - Adults

This Much I Can Tell You by Minnesota Council of Churches