At White Earth Tribal and Community College, in Mahnomen, a paid solar-worker certification program is preparing students of all ages to install solar arrays. Across the reservation in Osage, 8th Fire Solar is constructing solar thermal panels—basically a sun-powered furnace system—that help people cut emissions and lower winter heating bills.
Vernita Kennen of Incarnation Lutheran Church in Shoreview has a recurring Addressing Hunger blog. Read Discouraging Food Swamps and find additional posts here.
April 6, 2021
Can religion actually radicalize the labor movement as we know it and help to build economic and political power for all working people? We believe the labor movement is crucial to any democratic struggle for greater economic and political justice, and because religious democracy is as rare as economic democracy, deepening the relationship between religion and labor is key to the success of both.
Churches can no longer open their doors and expect that people will come in. Effective congregations go into the world to encounter those in need of the gospel. These 50 Ways provide tips on reaching beyond the walls of your church with worship, community events, ministries, and service.
Bridgemakers is a holistic civic, social, and financial capacity building platform which amplifies the stories and mentors the leadership of black, brown and otherwise marginalized youth. We build bridges between young artists, activists and entrepreneurs with experienced leaders to engage intergenerational collaboration in breaking cycles of miseducation, poverty, violence and addiction. Together, we’re reimagining and revitalizing marginalized communities to flourish with passion purpose positive relationships and power.
Lights On! An innovative program that replaces tickets with repair vouchers.
Learn how everyone benefits!
Daily Work’s mission is to provide employment services and mentoring so job seekers can thrive, resulting in a community where everyone can work, grow, and contribute.
The Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) exists to permanently close the achievement gap and end generational poverty in North Minneapolis. Together with their partner organizations, they walk side by side with low-income families as they put their children on a path to college.
EMERGE has deep roots in North Minneapolis and Cedar-Riverside, and specialized experience in providing innovative support for people overcoming barriers to employment such as overcoming a criminal background, new Americans facing language barriers, single parents struggling with poverty cycles, and participants who seek to earn higher wages.
By Dave Harder
Flipping the Script on Church Owned Property
The Kaleo Center offers this excellent resource on Sevenfold Social Transformation: excellent reading for vision, mission, and identity discernment; outreach and organizing discussions; and community engagement decisions.