The 21 sessions in the Unearthing Us Facilitator Guide correspond to the 21 poems in Unearthing Us: Poems and Practices for Discovering Our Fullest Selves by Joe Davis.
All sessions are written by Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown, an educator, activist, and curriculum designer who provides access to education, tools, and community that we all need to live whole and liberated lives.
Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living | |||||||
This thirty-six-unit curriculum is based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers. Written for people of all ages who wish to live out their faith, this new curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now. |
Path to Peace with Creation: "Follow the Peace Path" Cards
Churches can extend learning with this deck of 52 Peace with Creation Cards, packed with ideas for families to do at home together. Whether a church has summer Sunday school or not, these cards are a great way to stay connected with families and provide parents and caregivers an easy and fun faith formation resource. Purchase one deck of cards for each family.
The Day by Day Deck is a special deck of 32 cards, created for children and their families. It offers a unique way to engage in visual prayer through the practice of Visio Divina, or “seeing with God.” Each card features original textile art by the deck's makers and has questions on the back to help in prayerful imagination. The deck comes with a booklet of instructions and suggestions to help you get started.
by Stephen Ingram
How We Think About Forgiveness at Different Ages
Children's understanding of forgiving develops as they grow older.
How To Get People of All Ages Talking About Faith Practices
These 4 questions can help you start conversations about faith practices with your people - at home, church, work, school, and more.
Hosted by Faith Formation, Open to Wonder is a podcast that helps us imagine together what faith looks like in our day-to-day lives by exploring all kinds of faith questions: big ones, small ones, weird ones, and hard-to-talk-about-in-church ones.
Here's a wonderful list of Inclusive Versions of the Prayer of Jesus. I don't know who compiled it, but most of the prayers are cited for use!
P.S. I would not use the title, 'The Prayer of Jesus': so far as we know, this was never a prayer Jesus prayed. This is the Prayer Jesus Taught Us, the prayer Jesus instructed his followers to pray.
This New Podcast Season Is a Fun (and Faith-Forming) Summer Listen
Season 2 of Open to Wonder! explores faith practices—the repeated ways of connecting with God that help us become more like Jesus.
Do you yearn for a new vision of Christianity—one with love and justice at the core of its practice? Rev. Jacqui Lewis PhD animates a renewed faith for our times in her podcast Love. Period.
Find Belonging and Belovedess in Life’s “Endings":
THIS LIVING THE KIN-DOM STUDY BY RIVA TABELISMA gives fresh eyes to the Lord's Prayer. Often learned by rote, the Lord's Prayer is a rich guide for how we can live out God's kin-dom in our lives. Tabelisma invites participants in this study to step away from our automatic recitation of the prayer and dive deep into the meaning of each line over the course of eight one-hour sessions. Each of the sessions examines a section of the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:9–13 as it is recorded in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
The intersection between queerness and spirituality can often be fraught. These inclusive, accepting, and empowering stories offer a fresh perspective on spirituality that can help us unlock a deeper connection with the divine.