A Daily Reflection and Growth Practice for Kids
Silence in God’s Presence | Intro to Spiritual Practices
Prayer walking can be a great way to get outside and connect with God and your community. Here’s some advice for turning a regular stroll into a means of discipleship.
We are humbled to be featured in Living Lutheran's January, 2022 article and study guide, Contemplating the New Year; Lutherans Explore Meditation, Mindfulness, and Contemplative Practices; article by Meghan Johnston Aelabouni; study guide by Robert C. Blezard.
Richard Rohr spent a week Contemplating Creation; The Dance of Life features a singular moment of awareness from Sherri Mitchell (Penobscot).
Starting Small: Creating Consistent Faith Practices, One Baby Step at a Time by Jill Benson, DWELL Curriculum Coordinator
Fr. Richard Rohr's Daily Meditations week-long focus on Doorways to Christian Contemplation, a series of wonderful overviews and invitations to Contemplative Practices from a plethora of mystics; and the week of Meeting God in Prayer, especially Tilden Edwards' Prayer of Mutual Presence.
Rev. Dr. Cameron Trimble offers a succinct and lovely introduction to Contemplative Prayer that will assist beginners and support the adept.
Franciscan Friar Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation (week of 08.30-09.05) focuses on the True Self/Separate Self, a concept central to contemplative practice. Daily posts include:
See comments on Father Thomas Keating:
See Howard Thurman's introduction to his own practice:
See Cynthia Bourgeault's personal reflections:
Presbyterian Mission introduces an Ancient practice [that] synchronizes breathing with sacred words
For those who feel they “can’t meditate” Michel LeGribble offers words of wisdom and encouragement.
Cole Arthur Riley's blackliturgist website includes an opportunity to sign up for weekly breath prayers.
Contemplative Outreach is a spiritual network of individuals and small faith communities committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. The common desire for Divine transformation, primarily expressed through a commitment to a daily Centering Prayer practice, unites this international, interdenominational community.
An online daily devotion that includes leading questions for reflection and/or discussion.
The Labyrinth Society has a page of resources specifically for children.
One Breath at a Time: A Skeptic's Guide to Christian Meditation is a 40-day e-course, available anytime, featuring learning and practice at your own pace.
Dr. Kristin Neff offers free Tips for Practices, Guided Meditations, and Self-Compassion Exercises.
You Are Still Beloved, a contemplative poem read by author Sharon Seyfarth Garner; you can read along and freely download some contemplative coloring (aka, mandala).
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