Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources to help caregivers and parents engage children with particular needs in conversations around grief and trauma. Here you'll find:
See also our Contemplative & Mental Health Practices for Children & Youth and/or Hope & Resilience guides for developing self-awareness and tools for navigating distress, anxiety, and trauma.
If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.
Bethany Fox: Including Those with Intellectual Disabilities
Bethany Fox is the founding leader of Beloved Everybody Church in Los Angeles, a church for people with and without developmental and intellectual disabilities. They seek to do church in a way that is accessible to people with a wide range of communication styles, learning styles, and abilities.
Disability Is Not a Dirty Word
By Allison Bird Treacy (she/her/hers) / Nov. 13, 2023
'One clear manifestation of how our church communities address issues of access and inclusion is the presence—or, more often, absence—of ramps...'
Ways to deal with common sensory issues (Disclaimer: This one uses the term ‘problem’ in inappropriate and unhelpful ways. However, the suggestions for mitigating sensory perception issues to develop more enjoyable social interactions are worthwhile, especially for families with multiple children and/or when working with groups of children.)
Find free curriculum, resources, and blog posts ranging from Setting up Kids Ministry Volunteers to Curriculum Adaptations [for] Kids with Special Needs to 5 Reasons Preschool Programming Is Not Childcare.
What does creativity look like on the spectrum? We asked four autistic artists to show us how they would like to be seen.
Find wisdom and inspiration in the practices of Beloved Everybody, an Ability-Inclusive Church that Embodies the Beloved Community.
A Biblical Perspective on Trauma featuring Paul Cho
Disability Ministries shares insight, ways congregations are engaging differently abled persons, and suggestions for furthering awareness and hospitality.