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Pastoral Care: Home

hotlines, guidelines and crisis intervention contacts; and support for pastoral care for children, tweens, teens, families, differently abled persons, elders and folks with memory concerns; including mindfulness, personal care and volunteer support

Where You'll Find What

Here are resources to support pastoral care providers in caring for individuals in all stages of life, for families and the community, and for themselves. We'll update these resources regularly, so check back often for current opportunities and guidelines. And let us know if we can curate additional lists that will be more helpful to you.

We've grouped resources for:

  • Mental Health Hotlines & Interventions - for immediate care in moments of crisis
  • Grief & Trauma: Resources are broken into particular age and/or need groups:
    • Children & Families - includes helps for parents and faith formation leaders in talking with children about trauma, crisis, and grief
    • Tweens and Teens - includes helps for parents and faith formation leaders in talking with tweens and teens about trauma, crisis, and grief
    • Differently Abled Persons - resources specific to the pastoral care and mental/emotional well-being of persons with special needs; includes tips for parents and other care-givers
  • Mindfulness & Social Emotional Learning - resources for cultivating contemplative practices, mindfulness, and social emotional learning to develop spiritual growth, self-awareness, resilience and compassion; for all ages
  • Personal Care - opportunities for pastoral care providers to tend to their own souls
  • Volunteer Visitor Development - empowering individuals and teams to strengthen and broaden your pastoral care outreach


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Emily Meyer
767 Eustis St N
Suite 140
St Paul, MN