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Anti-Racism: Tweens & Teens: Curricula

print, online and video resources for generating dialogues around race and anti-racism, white supremacy culture, identity and intersectionality


Putting the Movement Back Into Civil Rights Teaching (2nd edition)

The book Putting the Movement Back Into Civil Rights Teaching and companion website offer a collection of lessons, essays, articles, primary documents, and poetry to help educators move beyond a "heroes and holidays" approach to teaching about the Civil Rights Movement in K–12 classrooms. The focus is on the themes of women, youth, organizing, culture, institutional racism, and the interconnectedness of social movements. The resources are organized in eight sections: Critiquing the Traditional Narrative, Framing the Movement, Desegregation of Public Spaces, Voting Rights, Black Power, Labor and Land, Transnational Solidarity, and Student Engagement.

View sample lessons.

Find books, curricula, prayer, music, and worship elements (including a full sermon), and community organizations and businesses grouped to help congregations take next steps in antiracism work, creation care, and addressing intergenerational mental health and well-being in the WaterThreads - Woven Together: Water, Community, Well-Being. Available online and via requested download for member congregations - who should email: - for access.

Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults

ajc.pngThe Absalam Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing offers an extensive online resource library curated to support racial awareness and reconciliation across age groups, including their Dismantling Racism Youth Curriculum.

Honor God's DiversityHonor God’s Diversity - God calls us to honor diversity that God has created in our world by diving deep beyond just accepting diversity. When we recognize and celebrate the different gifts, abilities, and voices in all creation, we honor the diversity in the world God has created.

With age-specific and intergenerational/full congregation curriculum available (click here and scroll down).



four-session, downloadable Bible study; examines racisms, challenges students to work at changing systems that oppress people of color (MennoMedia)

Lesson Plans, Activity Ideas & Other Resources for Teaching MLK Day (National Education Association)

​web-based workbook originally designed to support the â€‹Dismantling Racism Works 2-day basic workshop; now offered as a free resource to the community; please credit dRworks when using their material; best if used on a computer; includes Action Tools and and lists of other resources for parents, teachers and others

The Elephant in the Room: Conversations about Race with Youth - Dr. Evelyn Parker

Responding to Racism is available online with both a Participant Handout & a Leader Guide

Teaching about Race, Racism and Police Violence

Additional Resource Lists


What Is Critical Race Theory and What Christians Should Know


  • GCORR REAL TALK video to learn more about Critical Race Theory

  • Critical Race Theory Infographic Series download

  • Christian Voices on Critical Race Theory
  • More Christian Perspectives (additional resources)
  • How White Christians Can Learn from Critical Race Theory

The PC(USA) Store created a list of their Antiracism books for all ages.


Disparity Trap: The Socially Conscious Board Game provides an easy way to have the hard conversations around race & privilege in America and how they impact society in systemically dominant (SD) and systemically non-dominant (SND) ways. The game play is like many of its kind, where your individual goal is to accrue as much wealth as possible. But where it differs is that you can have a team goal as well where you work with  your fellow players to dismantle the Disparity Traps seeking to keep everyone in poverty. Within this game you also step into someone else’s shoes; to experience the disparities within an identity different from your own. Throughout the game, the dice roll correlates your identity in the game to real life statistics.

So like life, the dice are in your hands, but the odds are not.

In Our Library

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