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Congregational Life: Stewardship & Giving: Congregational Stewardship

tools for talking with children, youth, and adults about individual stewardship and generating conversations about congregational giving


Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources to help congregational leaders study and discuss how the congregation should use its resources. Here you'll find:

  • Webinars & Online Courses to facilitate in-depth study and conversations
  • Blogs, Podcasts & Articles to fuel small group discussions
  • Opportunities to offer your resources to your community
  • Judicatory and Other Denominational Resources to promote healthy attitudes of stewardship and giving

If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.

Webinars & Online Courses

Are you looking for an impactful stewardship program that's theologically-grounded and easy to implement?

In partnership with the Stewardship Leaders Program at Luther Seminary, Church Anew offers Stewardship in a Box, a resource designed to provide everything needed to guide a community through a meaningful conversation about faith and finances.

Using tried and true methods from fundraising experts and stewardship leaders, this resource will help congregations from the beginning to the end of a stewardship campaign. This is not an “all or nothing” resource, that everyone follows exactly and word for word. It is meant to be more of a “choose your own adventure,” setting each congregation up for stewardship success in the way that fits their context best. 


The inaugural Stewardship in a Box theme is “You Have Heard it Said…”

This worship and spiritual practice series will help people of faith unpack some of what they have heard about money (and generosity), reflect on how God might be calling them to use all of their money (not just the portion they give away), and discern how people of all ages might participate in God’s mission in their congregation through financial generosity.


A ready-made resource for congregations of every size, Stewardship ina Box will include: 

  • Equipping Event (in-person or online - register below)

  • Preaching Prompts for pastors, deacons, lay-preachers, SAMs, and anyone sharing a sermon.

  • Worship and Liturgical Resources including song/hymn suggestions, calls to worship, and prayers of the day.

  • Graphics for worship

  • Social media and communication ideas

  • At Home Practices for households of every size and shape that center Christian faith in ordinary moments of life.

  • Stewardship Basics for church councils, stewardship committees, or rostered leaders looking to grow their toolkit.

  • Stewardship Campaign Tools that help church leaders communicate financial need and ask for support from the congregation.

Stewardship in a Box Volume 2:

The Impossible Promise of Enough

Using tried and true methods from fundraising experts and stewardship leaders, this resource will help congregations from the beginning to the end of a stewardship campaign. This is not an “all or nothing” resource, that everyone follows exactly and word for word. It is meant to be more of a “choose your own adventure,” setting each congregation up for stewardship success in the way that fits their context best.

Passing the offering plateGetting Comfortable Preaching about Money and Generosity

Preaching on the topic of money is spiritually challenging. And it can also be personally challenging to leaders plagued by their own economic insecurity or discomfort in asking people to give. Meredith McNabb of the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving says preachers must address their own concerns and fears about money talk so they can invite their people into the faithful practice of generosity.

Read more now.

CONVERGENCE offers numerous leadership and community development webinars on-demand or in a cohort:

              Courageous Economy Summit | FaithLead: Convergence Online Learning                         

Protect - Sustain - Grow Video Tool Kit

Protect, Sustain, Grow: Best Practices for Handling Your Church's Money provides practical advice, best practices, and resources for pastors, finance committee members, church treasurers, financial secretaries, bookkeepers, and more. Whether it's your first time dealing with church finances or you've been handling them for years, this video tool kit will help you provide financial integrity and sustainability for your church, as well as expand your church's income.

Learn more and watch an introductory video now.

Developing Your Operating Budget Video Tool Kit cover featuring a photo of a stopwatch, ledger sheet, and calculator

Developing Your Operating Budget

Developing Your Operating Budget is ecumenical and designed for both self study and group use by finance committees, pastors, and finance staff.


Picture of Creating Generous Congregations     Decolonizing Wealth by Edgar Villanueva     The Economic Case for LGBT Equality               Funding Forward: A Pathway to More Sustainable Models for Ministry          Jesus on Main Street     Serving Money, Serving God: Aligning Radical Justice, Christian Practice, and Church Life

Opportunities for...

Multiply giving to Minneapolis efforts of renewal and rebuilding.

Participate in and/or donate to the 2020 NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Virtual Walk championing justice, dignity and respect for everyone affected by mental illness. Saturday, September 26, 2020.

Blogs, Podcasts & Articles

2023 Stewardship Annual Campaign Resources Round Up

By Karen Ware Jackson | July 7, 2023

Here’s a deep dive into some of the campaign theme resources available in 2023. 

Richard Rohr spends a week of Daily Meditations asking What Do We Do with Money? Thursday's Rights and Responsibilities, a reflection on The Parable of the Ten Gold Coins (Lk 19:11-27), is especially insightful.

Graphic representing an old church transforming into a vibrant congregation

Flipping the Script on Church Owned Property

How can local churches reimagine property stewardship so that a building can fund a church, rather than a church needing to fund a building? Tom Sine and Dwight Friesen offer examples of churches that have discovered innovative ways to leverage their property to fund their church and ministry.


Church Anew's Mark Elsdon is confident that We Aren't Broke.

Stacks of coins increasing in height and a seedling growing from a small vase filled with coins

6 Simple Steps to Launch a Planned Giving Program by Ann Michel of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership

Giving to the church via a cell phone

The Promise of Digital Giving

Ann Michel says that as the church increasingly moves online, so too must the church’s ministry of generosity. But this future requires the capacity to receive digital gifts and skill in soliciting gifts electronically from people beyond the reach of Sunday services.

Lewis Center for Church Leadership has a growing list of Covid-19-related resources on topics of Social Action, Stewardship, Technology, and Hospitality.

Church treasure map of partnerships, rental space, property, community, neighbors, and business development

Leveraging Your Church’s Assets featuring Jacqueline Jones-Smith


Diverse group of young adults

A Call to Overinvest in the Young

Bishop Janice Huie calls for a new approach to engaging younger people in the church. She argues for overinvesting in young people who don’t sit in our pews every Sunday by drawing resources from the center to the periphery of the church.

5 Addictions the Church Must Overcome to Grow in the Future

Carey Nieuwhof explains that churches must respond to a culture that has become even more digital, mobile, and home-centered during the COVID-19 crisis. He predicts growing churches will focus less on place-based ministry and packed rooms and will adjust budgets and attitudes to fit a new reality.

Digital Tools: Church Administration

A comprehensive list of non-social media platforms and software that other Faith+Leaders are using.

Participation Is Up but Giving is Down for Many Congregations During the Pandemic

A Lake Institute survey reveals that a majority of congregations (52 percent) reported an increase in participation, but a plurality of respondents (41 percent) experienced a decrease in giving.

Judicatory & Other Denominational Resources

The Congregational Economic Evaluation (CEE) enables congregations to receive feedback about current financial health, suggestions for action steps and toolkits based on that feedback; and comparisons between congregations nation-wide.

ELCA World Hunger encourage addressing local, regional and global hunger.

Seasonally appropriate materials guide congregations in specific actions and provide for worship and study.

In Our Library

See New Generosity for Stewardship books available through The Ministry Lab.

Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2017-2020 Trustees: Manage the Resources of the Congregation - eBook  -     By: General Council On Finance & Administration