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Congregational Life: Stewardship & Giving: Individual Adult Stewardship

tools for talking with children, youth, and adults about individual stewardship and generating conversations about congregational giving


Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources to help congregational leaders study and discuss stewardship with adults. Here you'll find:

  • Webinars & Online Courses to facilitate in-depth study and conversations
  • Blogs, Podcasts & Articles to fuel small group discussions
  • Judicatory and Other Denominational Resources to promote healthy attitudes of stewardship and giving

If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.

Webinars & Courses

Perspectives from national faith leaders, "What Will Happen to Our Churches?" including "Financially" and "Spiritually". Free of charge.

Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being: A money management curriculum for clergy and congregations aligns faith and finance, seeking to support participants in personal financial goals and encourage open discussions about money—such as saving, earning, giving, spending, and debt. Learn more


Decolonizing Wealth by Edgar Villanueva          Picture of And He Saw That It Was Good     Our Fair Share: How One Small Change Can Create a More Equitable American Economy     Upside Down Living

Blogs, Podcasts & Articles

The Work of Radical Frugality by Harriet Fasenfest

Frugality isn’t just a virtue practiced by bygone generations. It can also be a break with an all-consuming capitalist system.


Richard Rohr spends a week of Daily Meditations asking What Do We Do with Money? Thursday's Rights and Responsibilities, a reflection on The Parable of the Ten Gold Coins (Lk 19:11-27), is especially insightful.

Hands holding a ball of cash

The vast majority of Christians are not giving up to their potential or in proportion to what their faith teaches. Read To the Point: Giving Up to Our Potential.

Read, share, and download free now.

A person's hand placing a paper heart in the outstretched hand of another person

Giving for the Right Reasons

The Christian faith invites us to think about giving in new and countercultural ways. Giving faithfully and for the right reasons puts us in alignment with God’s purposes and brings joy.

Judicatory & Other Denominational Resources

shares a whole page on Financial Well-Being

Lower Susquehanna Synod (ELCA) Assistant to the Bishop Rob Blezard's blog Stewardship Guy offers regular tips and resources.

In Our Library

          Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most, By Mark Scandrette     Front Cover Preview Image - 1 of 9 - The Grace of Giving: The Practice of Extravagant Generosity     Money & Faith: The Search for Enough     9780578069982: Money Sanity Solutions- Linking Money & Meaning