Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources to help congregational leaders study and discuss stewardship with children and youth. Here you'll find:
If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.
5 Ways to Practice Generosity With Kids from Faith Formation Ministries
Father Richard Rohr encourages us to consider our relationship with Compassion in Contemplation Creates Compassion and Compassion as Steadfast Love, and more...
Cross+Gen Life: Stewardship is for all ages; gather online or a properly socially distanced space; grow as good stewards of time, talents, and treasures. This resource is an effective and engaging whole life approach to stewardship and includes a home connection with FAITH5.
Offers Big Hearted Families Toolkits, with at-home, multi-generational tools for developing generous families.