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Eco-Anxiety Toolkit: Spiritual Practices

Multi-media resources for congregations and households to notice, name, and address climate-related mental health concerns in children, youth, adults, and elders.


Post Carbon Institute LogoEmotional and Psychological Resilience to Current Looming Crises

Leslie Davenport is a psychotherapist who specializes in interdisciplinary dialogues that advance creative and effective solutions to climate change. She’s a founding member of the Institute for Health and Healing, one of the U.S.’s first and largest hospital-based integrative medicine programs, and her extensive clinical and teaching experience have fed into her climate psychology model. She’s the author of a number of books, including Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change.


benefits of weedingPhysical, Mental, And Eco-Friendly Benefits Of Weeding

Yes, you read that right: the benefits of weeding.

By   //  September 28, 2020


How spiritual practices help me navigate my climate grief

"Joy is what happens when we commit to find our footing in the flood," writes Therese DesCamp

WaterspiritWaterspirit: is a spiritual ecology nonprofit that informs, inspires and empowers people of all beliefs to deepen their consciousness of the sacredness of water and the interdependence of all Earth’s systems.


All the Feelings Under the Sun

In Our Library

Becoming Rooted: One Hundred Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth     


The Grief CocoonWriting through Eco Grief

An online Writing through Eco Grief workshop, designed to help you express and transform your grief through words and storytelling. The aim of this workshop is to not only process grief, but also to nurture the love and care you have for the environment.