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Graceful Conversations: Building Arcs across Divided Perspectives: Session Materials

This five-part video series is a partnership between Lutheran Advocacy - Minnesota and The Ministry Lab. The series includes five ~25-minute videos, facilitator guides, and participant handouts. This toolkit offers additional suggestions for online resour


Graceful Conversations Videos

Tired of divisiveness?

Eager for honest engagement?

Ready to contribute to discourse more gracefully, rather than wringing your hands on the sidelines?

The Ministry Lab and Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota have teamed up to share Graceful Conversations: Building Arcs Across Divided Perspectives.

It started as a ‘Graceful Engagement’ workshop that Tammy Walhof (Director of Lutheran Advocacy - MN) initially created ten years ago (and has continued to improve) to help participants think about how we as Christians should ‘be’ in the world.

With the help of Rev. Emily Meyer (Executive Director of The Ministry Lab) , a facilitator of contemplative practices, it has been transformed into a 5-part series of learning, reflection, and practice to help participants make Graceful Conversations part of their core being.

Find Session I-V videos bundled here.

Individual Sessions are available by clicking on each title:

Session I: Identifying Self, Brokenness, & Community - 31:17

In this introductory Session I, Rev. Emily Meyer and Tammy Walhof guide participants to ground in God's presence, establish healthy boundaries, identify Self and Other as Beloved Children of God, develop Core Values and Group Norms, and invite participants into a Beloved Child of God Take Home Practice.

Session II: Perceiving the Inner Polarizer, the 'Other', & Values - 27:52

In Session II, Tammy Walhof and Rev. Emily Meyer introduce Five Characteristics of Polarization and review Five Core Values, invite participants to reflect on their own Inner Polarizer, and introduce a 'Core Values 'Examen'' Take Home Practice.

Session III: Creating Your Grace-Filled Toolbox - 33:24

In Session III, Rev. Emily Meyer and Tammy Walhof review the Five Characteristics of Polarization and our established Five Core Values, then invite personal reflection and group discussion around Five Tools of a Grace-Filled Toolbox before introducing an Intercessory Prayer for the 'Other' Take Home Practice.

Session IV: Framing Graceful Conversations - 41:07

In Session IV, Tammy Walhof and Rev. Emily Meyer revisit and deepen our understanding of 'activation', share the basics of reframing difficult discussions, invite participants into a reframing exercise, and encourage participants to engage a Framing Take Home Practice.

Session V: Practice Graceful Conversations - 25:29

In Session V, Rev. Emily Meyer and Tammy Walhof review our Primary Identification, contextual Group Norms, established Core Values, and the Five Tools in our Grace-Filled Toolbox. Participants are invited into a Role Play with particularly challenging discussion partners and the concept of Engaging to Get to Action & Action to Increase Engagement is explored and practiced. Participants are encouraged to Put It into Practice as their Take Home Practice.


Participant Handouts

Participant Handouts for Sessions I-V include:

  • Bible texts
  • key terms
  • self-reflection prompts
  • guiding questions for small and large group discussions
  • take-home practices

Sessions I-V are bundled here.

Specific Participant Handouts are available through these links:

Facilitator Guides

The Graceful Conversations Facilitator Guide includes:

In Overview:

  • Graceful Conversations intent
  • Comparison of 'internal work' and 'learning/data-sharing'
  • Healthy Boundaries guidelines
  • Timing
  • Material list
  • The Graceful Conversations intention for prayer
  • Group Size suggestions
  • Tips for beginning and ending each Session
  • Guidance for pausing the video

Each Session includes:

  • Before You Begin
  • Begin the Session
    • Prayer
    • Healthy Boundaries Reminder
  • Self-Reflection and Group Activity Guidelines
  • End the Session