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Worship: Home

resources from judicatories, including re-opening guidelines and online worship videos; online hospitality & participation; engaging children, youth, and intergenerational; lectionary & preaching; liturgy, music & liturgical arts; tech & copyright helps;

Where You'll Find What

Worship is simultaneously the most repetitious and the most changing element of congregational life: there is never a dull moment in worship preparation!

This is true now more than ever as most congregations jump into new modes and platforms for sharing worship in new ways. Here are resources that teach the how's, the why's and the wherefores, as well as specific liturgical elements and sermons to enrich local expressions and offerings.

We've set aside resources from our supporting Judicatories and Other Denominations and Partners and set them along-side additional resources for:

  • Online Hospitality and Worship Participation: discover tips and tools for engaging members and online visitors
  • Transitional Considerations: questions to ask to ensure everyone is safe and welcome and to prevent a return to a "normal" that misses the opportunities of quarantine
  • Children, Youth, Families & Intergenerational: tips and tools for engaging all ages
  • Lectionary & Preaching: inspiring interpretations and innovative approaches to online and hybrid preaching
  • Liturgy, Music & Liturgical Arts: technical how-to's and specific resources for singing and engaging multi-media art forms
  • Technology & Copyright: be sure you know what you can share and how
  • Grief, Trauma and End of Life Rites & Rituals: prayerful approaches to grief and trauma awareness, pastoral care and ritualizing