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Anti-Racism: Children & Families: Antiracism/White Supremacy

print, online and video resources for discussing racism and white supremacy culture; dismantling racism; and raising compassionate, loving children


Welcome to The Ministry Lab's curated list of resources for Talking with Children about Racism and White Supremacy. Here you'll find:

  • Books about Racism & White Supremacy suitable for sharing online or in person
  • Additional Lists of Books suggested by trusted sources
  • Blogs, Podcasts & Articles with tips on how to talk with children about race
  • Curricula and Websites to deepen and broaden the conversation - whether at church or home

If you don't find a resource to fit your need, don't hesitate to consult with The Ministry Lab's director, Emily Meyer, who is happy to assist you.


     Daddy Why Am I Brown? A Healthy Conversation About Skin Color and Family.                    Susan Verde I Am One: A Book of Action     Liberty's Civil Rights Road Trip                    Say Their Names Trade Book (Hardcover)     Cover of Something Happened in Our Town: A Child's Story About Racial Injustice (large)     Stamped (For Kids)          Why?

Addresses issues children might hear about in the news and may not understand; straightforward and kid-friendly explanations of tough topics; includes ideas for what they can do to help make the world a better, fairer place. Each book has a glossary and additional resources.

The series includes: Culture and Diversity; Rights and Equality; Protecting the Planet; and Rules and Responsibilities.

Other Book Lists

Social Justice Books curates a growing list of recommended titles that center each of the Black Lives Matter 13 Guiding Principles, as well as additional recommended booklists.


The featured theme of this year's Week of Action is the guiding principle of Collective Value, which states: 


We are guided by the fact that all Black lives, regardless of sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, economic status, ability, disability, education, location, age, immigration status, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, matter. None of us are free until we are all free.


New York Public Library created the regularly-updated Schomburg's Black Liberation List for Young Readers: Explore essential titles selected by the Schomburg Center as it marks 95 years of collecting and preserving Black history, arts, and culture. Available on SimplyE and from the Schomburg Shop.

Building Faith's Picture Books for Antiracists provides an overview for:

  • Seeing the Beloved Community
  • Celebrating the Joy in Everyday Life
  • Building Empathy
  • Practicing Love & Kindness
  • Social Justice
  • Embracing a Vision
  • Hope for All

BB_BlackHistoryMonth2022_BlogBannerCelebrate Diversity in Children's Books

We are each called to lead change and fight for justice. This important work starts in our homes and immediate community. Here are picture books that can serve as helpful tools for sparking conversations with kids.

The MN Annual Conference UMC's Rev. Dana Neuhauser offers this list of Books That Can Build Empathy for BIPOC Communities.

The PC(USA) Store created a list of their Antiracism books for all ages.

13 Books about Race and Diversity from PBS Kids for Parents is fantastic.

MN Annual Conference UMC curated this list.

PC(USA) Store has an excellent list of resources for all ages

Social Justice Books: A Teaching for Change Project offers 60 extensive lists of multicultural and social justice books for children, young adults and educators. They also offer a Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books.

Beaming Books offers 10 Books That Celebrate Our Many Differences which includes topics such as ableism, age, race, culture and ethnicity, and gender and sexuality identities.

Mattress Advisor's Bedtime Stories in response to We Need Diverse Books (a nonprofit working for more diversity in children's books):  The list is available in full or broken into these categories:

Blogs, Podcasts & Articles

How to Raise Kids Who Won't Be Racist from The New York Times

How to Talk to Kids about Race from The Atlantic

Talking about Race and Racism with Kids from Christine V. Hides

NPR & Sesame Street: Talking Race With Young Children (Podcast Episode)

offers “stories and advice on raising kind, caring and resilient children”, which includes tips on “how to talk honestly with children about racism”, book recommendations about race and diversity and questions to discover your child’s thoughts. Many resources are broken into specific age brackets and include links to PBS videos that support the conversation.

Curricula & Websites

BB_SarahRising_BlogBannerHow to Talk with Kids about Racial Injustice

It can be difficult to talk with kids about the racial injustice in our country. Ty Chapman, author of Sarah Rising, shares his experience of growing up Black in Minnesota and offers tips on how kids can work toward ending racism in their communities.

Embrace Race offers a number of resources:

  • toolkits for study and teaching
  • support for adults caring for children (and others) affected by racialized trauma
  • podcasts and webinars to empower and encourage all ages in meeting white nationalism, white supremacy, and racialized violence

Honor God's DiversityHonor God’s Diversity - God calls us to honor diversity that God has created in our world by diving deep beyond just accepting diversity. When we recognize and celebrate the different gifts, abilities, and voices in all creation, we honor the diversity in the world God has created.

With age-specific and intergenerational/full congregation curriculum available (click here and scroll down).


What Is Critical Race Theory and What Christians Should Know


  • GCORR REAL TALK video to learn more about Critical Race Theory

  • Critical Race Theory Infographic Series download

  • Christian Voices on Critical Race Theory
  • More Christian Perspectives (additional resources)
  • How White Christians Can Learn from Critical Race Theory

Talking About Privilege and Justice With Kids: Let’s Talk about Privilege (three topics for 1st-5th Graders) & Homegrown Faith and Justice (four lessons for 1st-5th Graders) - Christian Reformed Church in North America

Who Is My Neighbor? - MennoMedia’s 2019 VBS curriculum: 

a resource for talking about race with young children

National Museum of African American History & Culture/The Smithsonian: TALKING ABOUT RACE

Tools to Raise an Anti-Racist Generation

An Evolving Collection of Resources, Expert Tips, Books, Videos, and Advocacy Tools

The conversation parents of color have with their children about interactions with police.

offers “stories and advice on raising kind, caring and resilient children”, which includes tips on “how to talk honestly with children about racism”, book recommendations about race and diversity and questions to discover your child’s thoughts. Many resources are broken into specific age brackets and include links to PBS videos that support the conversation.

In Our Library

A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara               I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.               book cover of The Other Side               


An online Discussion and Activity Guide is available with For Beautiful Black Boys.